subject: When Would You Need A Payday Loan? [print this page] Financial problems can strike at any timeFinancial problems can strike at any time. During this hard economic downturn, consumers need to be more creative with how they handle financial emergencies. With many options to choose from payday cash advances can be the solution to a temporary problem. Here are ten scenarios when a person may need to use a payday loan.
*The employer has just changed your pay schedule from every other week to the 1st and 15th of the month. The rent is due on the 30th of the month, there are no extensions, and payday is one day too late.
*A family emergency requires you to leave town. Without a credit card, the expense is not quite affordable at the moment, but it will be in a few weeks.
*Car repairs are unexpected, but without transportation, people can't get to work. Without work, people cannot get paid. By getting transportation fixed immediately, employment status is safe, the vehicle gets repaired and the situation is just a brief hiccup.
*Lending money to family members or friends in a hard financial situation should be the right thing to do. Sometimes those that are lent money drop the ball and are irresponsible, making the benefactor wait an extra couple days. This can put the personal lender in a position where they, too, are now short on cash and need a payday advance of their own.
*Not everyone is a math magician. Sometimes the numbers get transposed or that last stop at the ATM doesn't get deducted. This may cause an alert that a check is going to bounce, creating more fees and penalties if the situation is not remedied right away.
*The holidays are a time when most people overspend a little bit, or must spend money in advance. When someone knows their Christmas bonus is coming, but the presents need to be shipped or delivered before the bonus arrives, a quick cash advance is needed.
*Home appliances are an everyday necessity. When the dryer starts spitting out springs during its drying cycle, it is time to buy a new one. Since they are expensive, this is something that can be put off, provided there is plenty of liquid dish detergent and lots of time for doing dishes by hand. Otherwise, it may be time for a payday cash loan.
*Lawsuits are slow and time consuming. Even for those guaranteed a settlement, it often takes a long time to receive the promised amount in had. Meanwhile, people are still required to make bill payments to their attorneys and medical professionals.
*Like legal matters, insurance payments that have been approved can sometimes take longer than expected to arrive, especially when a check is cut and pending. Life goes on and expenses must still be paid, such as doctor's appointments and prescriptions.
*Mortgage payments are a necessary evil. When the adjustable rate mortgage was in vogue, balloon payments at the end of a home mortgage were often a small inconvenience to be dealt with in the far off future. When the future has arrived and it is due, many are finding that it is more than expected, and cannot pay it all at once as required.
by: Christine Harrell
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