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Southern California Meeting Rooms And Conferences

Are you a business owner or event planner who is trying to plan a meeting at a conference center in Los Angeles You might want to consider booking your event at a Southern California conference hotel?

The Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel might be a great choice. This Southern California conference hotel has 14 meeting rooms and 18,400 sq ft of total meeting space. The largest meeting room is the Renaissance Rendezvous Room with a maximum meeting space of 6,273 sq ft and maximum seating capacity of 850. Due to the abundance of available meeting rooms, the Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel would be an ideal location for any corporate conference. This conference center in Los Angeles has all of the necessary audio and visual equipment that your business will need.

This Southern California conference hotel is conveniently located just .5 miles from LAX. It's just a short shuttle bus ride from the airport terminal to the hotel. The hotel offers this bus service to all of its guests. You can look for the Ocean Blue buses picking up passengers under the Red 'Hotel Transportation' Sign outside baggage claim on the lower level of LAX.

Guests of the conference will enjoy the convenience of staying at the hotel where the meeting is held instead of traveling to another location. It is both a great time-saving and money saving measure for all conference attendees.

The Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel is just minutes away from all of the attractions and beaches. If you have some down time between events, make sure you take in some of the sights and sounds of Southern California.

by: Etienne

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