subject: Insurance With Or Without A Job [print this page] Many people are feeling the fallout from the unstable economy. One of the biggest places these issues can be seen is by looking at the increase in unemployment across the board. You may think that these issues don't affect you but in the grand scheme of things you could be on the unemployment line next and be wondering how to get health insurance coverage for yourself and your family. There are some options available to you if you have recently become unemployed and need health insurance.
Start by talking to your local unemployment office. They will probably be able to help put you on the path to some of your health insurance options and since they are a branch of the government as well as someone that you will probably have to contact anyway this is a good place to begin your search.
Most people have heard of COBRA but are also aware that COBRA can be very costly especially to someone who has recently become unemployed. The government has put some options in place for the many people who are finding themselves unemployed these days and depending on the length of your employment, type of industry you were in and a few other factors you may be eligible to get some of the government's supplemental fund to help you pay your health insurance premiums. HIPAA is a health insurance option that is available to some as well and can allow for a continuation of COBRA benefits past the allotted 18 month period if you meet certain requirements.
Depending on your age or financial status you may be eligible for Medicaid or Medicare so it is a good idea to check with these agencies as well. You can access some information online or contact your local office directly with inquiries or to arrange an appointment.
If you are unemployed and without health insurance then it is important to look at all your health insurance options right away. Waiting too long to explore these options could mean an inability to attain health insurance when you need it most. There is no time to waste you must begin looking at your health insurance options immediately upon termination for the best results.
by: Ethan Kalvin
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