subject: Why You Would Not Be Making Lots Of Money Online? [print this page] Let's just cut the chase, and hear me why you would not be making lots of money online.
Before we proceed, take a look at the actual fact from the list of the richest man and women on earth. I would not go too far to other places; I turn to my countrymen to see who is on the list.
Lo and behold, I did not see any Internet Marketer's name on the top 10 list!
Probably it is a different scenario in your country, but I doubt it.
And the answer to the question can be found therein. We would not be making lots of money online because it is not there. There, I have said it.
The big amount is outside the online realm, and that is why no internet marketers made it to top list. And I want to drive home an important point here: the World Wide Web is only tool, not a mountain of gold. Internet is just like a shovel, where you use it to dig for gold elsewhere.
I am writing this because I am sick and tired of reading false hope' article, article that pull you in with strong subject, but once you got engaged, you know it contains nothing but assumption and dream.
I could not make a living on assuming and dreaming. I need something solid to hold on to, and having done the same when I first got started, I know how much it hurts when taken around a maze.
And if came looking for cool aids', you would not find it here too.
In fact, I decided to start writing after I read an article from a popular article directory, where that particular article has the highest view, and when I delve in it, it says nothing much except listing down ways to make money online, like e-commerce, affiliate program, CPA offers and Google Adsense.
I have seen one and I have seen them all.
In my earlier days of marketing with article, I admit that this is one of my favorite topics when writing and submitting article, but having gain sanity' along the way; I probably will pull the brakes on this. I respect article writing, and its writer, because the embodied my belief in making a real difference in this world, and that is: creativity.
And that is my belief too, if you truly want to make lots of money online; you got to create, and let your creation added more value to others.
Why You Would Not Be Making Lots Of Money Online?
By: Nezrul Hisyam
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