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Where To Find Red And Black Striped Scarf

When looking for a scarf, try something that is matchless like a red and black striped scarf. It doesn't only provide you comfort, but endow you with elegance as well. Here are some places where you can check for the availability of red and black scarves namely: bizrate, Torrid, Karrie's Creations, Etsy, tobi, ebay, and Amazon.

Pull on a chic scarf with red and black stripes to enhance your garb. Define your outfit by wearing something different from the usual. Here are the following stores where you can find them:


For only $9.99 per piece, here is a red and black striped knitted Bishang scarf with fringe at bizrate. This extra long scarf is perfect for a casual get up. It is so stylish that it can be worn to accentuate your outfit rather than provide warmth.
Where To Find Red And Black Striped Scarf


A 100% acrylic, this soft knit scarf from Hello Kitty is ideal for teenagers who want to don a trendy and fresh looking outfit. It is a red, black and white striped imported cloth that is about 80 x 5 inches in size.

Karrie's Creations

All handmade crocheted designs, scarves are custom made according to your taste. Her cute red and black with flower design can be a perfect gift for teens and mommies as well. Its cloth is so versatile that it can be paired with any apparel and fits any age.


Here at etsy, a unique Cheshire cat scarf with black and red stripes is available, which costs $49. This handmade scarf is inspired by Alice in Wonderland that has 2 ping pong balls as eyes and a pompom-tail. It is made from soft mohair yarn, which suggests pure hand wash only.


If you are looking for a signature warmer, here is a Paul Smith creation, which is a combination of grey, red and black stripe for a price of $100. These are especially made for men, which is 100% made of wool. It can provide you with a comfortable warmth and fashionable impression at the same time.


You can find a set of black and red striped scarf and beanie hat for only $12.95 at ebay. Created by Hollywood Mirror, this is ideal for both sexes who are fond of wearing Emo styles. It is so punk that teenagers particularly boys would definitely love to have that.


Available at Amazon is a K9 red and black striped dog scarf, which also has bigger sizes that fits people. The material used is combination of knit and fleece that allows machine wash.

by: Jacob Schiffer

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