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subject: Dubai Visa How To Get Dubai Tourist Visa And Dubai Transit Visa To Enter Uae [print this page]

Dubai Visa  How To Get Dubai Tourist Visa And Dubai Transit Visa To Enter Uae

Dubai is considered as one of the fastest growing metropolitans and top tourist destination in the world. Every year, more and more tourists are visiting Dubai for both leisure and business. With world-class hotels, shopping centers, amusement parks, restaurants, nightclubs, and modern entertainment complexes, surely this is one place you should consider to visit.

But visiting Dubai and the rest of the UAE will require entry visa like Dubai tourist visa and Dubai transit visa. Some nationalities can obtain visa upon arrival at Dubai airport but mostly are required to obtain visa before traveling to Dubai.

It is highly recommended to check the latest visa rules and requirements with the UAE embassy in your country or relevant authority in the UAE since visa rules and requirements can and do change without prior notice.

Another straightforward, easy and fast way to obtain Dubai tourist visa and Dubai transit visa is through a local travel agent in Dubai like ( South Travel & Tourism LLC as they can process visa within 1-3 working days in the UAE.

The basic visa processing requirements are but NOT limited to:

1. Fill up the Visa Application Form

2. Clear Scanned Passport Copy for each Applicant

3. Scanned Colored Passport Size or 2x2 Photo for each Applicant

Thats it, within few days your visa should be released if the UAE immigration does not require further supporting documents to approve your visa.

After obtaining your visa, dont forget to plan your activities while in Dubai. Some exciting tours and excursions are available all year round including the most popular: Dubai Desert Safari, Dubai Dhow Cruise, Dubai Helicopter Tour, Dubai Big Bus City Tour, Dubai Sea Plane Tour and many more!

by: SouthTravels

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