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subject: What You Need To Know About Investing In A Limited Liability Company (llc) [print this page]

LLCs are one of the most popular investments I see self-directed IRA account holders participating in. An LLC is a legal company that limits liability for its members, while providing some tax advantages. Typically, LLCs are used as a vehicle for participants, or investors who have a specific set of investment objectives. A necessary element of the LLC is an operating agreement, which characterizes how the LLC is to conduct is affairs and investment goals. Some clients create their own LLC for the sole purpose of investing their IRA funds, while some pool their monies with others in an LLC to make investments. Further, there are others who are looking to invest in a private company that has been previously set up as an LLC. You should definitely meet with and discuss this option with your accountant, CPA, or other financial professionals to decide if this strategy is right for you.

How do you use funds from your Entrust self-directed IRA account to invest in an LLC? The answer to that question is simple: We need the LLCs operating agreement, with the IRA being listed as the member; and the IRA holders signature with a written read and approved, to signify that the IRA holder has an understanding of their IRAs investment. Entrust also requires a Buy Direction Letter, or BDL, to be filled out by the client. Once we have the signed operating agreement and BDL, Entrust can fund the investment within two business days.

Entrust makes it easy to use your self-directed retirement plan for alternative investments, like LLCs. Were available to discuss youre individual investment scenarios, and provide information on a variety of alternative investments. Please feel free to visit our website to more resources on investment.

by: Ryan Moeller

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