subject: Things Your Motorbike Insurance Should Have [print this page] You have probably spent a lot of money on your bike, and as such, you should have motorbike insurance that will cover any damage that might occur to it. This damage can happen as a result of an accident while you are riding, damage due to an accident while your bike is parked, and even damage that can occur during storage. Storage damage can include, pests like mice, water damage, or building damage such as a roof collapse. Damage that occurs due to natural events should be covered as well. Fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters can do a lot of damage and you will want to be covered if something like this occurs. Different motorbike insurance policies will have varying clauses and exclusions, so make sure you know what is covered prior to purchasing your motorbike insurance.
Things Your Motorbike Insurance Should Have
By: Michele Walls
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