subject: The Inspiration Of Jewel Designers: Tahitian Pearls [print this page] The Tahitian pearls are also known as the Tahitian black or the Black South Sea. They are the preferred gemstone used by some of the better known jewelers. Because of its fabulous and unique characteristic jewelry designers will be able to create a fashion statement.
Because of it variety of colors, they will make a lovely strand. Although they are often described as black, the Tahitian gemstones are available in various colors. Aside from black, they are commonly available in dark or light gray, dark or light green, pinkish, blue and bronze-brown and silver grey. Whites are also available.
The luster of the black gemstones can compliment the different gemstones that can adorn a pendant. Most jewelers however select the Tahitian gemstone bead itself as the main attraction of the pendant and the gemstones are added as a compliment. They are larger than the usually sold commercial pearls as most of the oysters are allowed to produce them for 3 years. It is also available in attractive and elegant colors.
Tahitian pearl comes in different sizes and they will bring elegance to the person wearing it. The almost perfect round, high luster and clean surface of the bead inspire most jewel designers to create necklaces made of the black beads. A necklace combined with white gold and enhanced with crystals will be a luxurious sight. Baroque dangling pearly beads with dark green overtones have inspired jewelers to create fantastic and elegant necklaces. The cold surfaces of the gem can sooth the neck of the person wearing it.
They are perfect for earrings as it is available also in white. Most designers opt for an earring collection that is matched with elegantly designed pendants.
As it is available in different shapes, it is perfect for chokers, the luster and the colors will also compliment whatever the person is wearing. Drop shape Tahitian dangling pearls are just some of the choices of the designers create.
by: Robin Khan
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