subject: What You Should Know About Commercial Van Insurance [print this page] When you have a business, protecting your assets is one of the most important things. Risks associated with your business increase when you have people driving for you. For this reason it is important to make sure that you get the right kind of insurance cover for your individual situation.
In order to insure your vehicle the right way, you need to make sure you buy the right commercial van insurance. This means making sure that your insurance cover will allow you to have things such as business mileage. This is especially is an important consideration if you have a personal policy.
One thing to keep in mind is how companies that need a vehicle to drive for their employees to make deliveries or to drive for other purposes; you are going to need commercial van insurance. This means you are going to need a minimum third party insurance. As for the amount, this will depend on the business.
There are a number of different options that are available when it comes to third party insurance. Fire and theft is one of the options which take you to the next level of cover. When you have this kind of cover then you are protected so that you will get the value of the vehicle should the vehicle catch on fire or is stolen.
This leads to the next option, which has to do with having a replacement vehicle. This is important when you have a business that relies on the van in order to make sure your business is not affected if you have to wait for repairs on your damaged vehicle. This way, you know a replacement vehicle will be provided if you need one.
Additionally, the goods that you are transporting may need to be insured as well. This way if anything is stolen or damaged, then you are not going to have to worry about losing money. Another thing to consider is the legal expense cover, which is a necessity for commercial vans as one legal bill could mean the difference between keeping your businesses head above water.
Another thing that is important is having some kind of cover for any kinds of breakdowns. The amount of cover you would get will generally depend on the type of business that you have.
The excess that you pay will affect the amount that you are paying for the premium. The higher amount that you pay for the voluntary excess the less you are going to pay for the premium. The limits of indemnity on the policy are going to affect the amount the van insurance company is going to pay. It is always best to pay a little more in order to raise this amount.
As for a no claims discount, this helps any size of company to keep their costs down considerably; so the fewer claims you make the cheaper your van insurance will be.
Fleet van insurance is another great money saving option if your commercial business has more than three or four vans on the road.
by: Tom Jones
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