subject: Pat Test Labels How Important Are They? [print this page] Many different types of environments use a number of different appliances in regards to work that needs to be done. PAT test labels are used to make sure that the tools that are being used are considered to be safe. Due to certain rules and regulations set forth by the government, businesses that operate within the UK need to do specific testing for the tools that they utilize. The testing is used to make sure that the tools are safe and that workers have less chance of being injured by faulty or malfunctioning operating systems. Using machines that are not current on PAT testing is not recommended for various reasons.
The PAT testing system utilizes a variety of colors that are designed to let the users know the state of the machine or appliance. After the machine has been tested and found to be in good working condition, it is given a green PAT test label. This means that the tool is working properly and no problems should happen within the foreseeable future. This is the highest rating that can be designated. When a machine is tested and given a blue label, indications are that it is still working within normal limits, however, special attention should be paid to the tool. It also means that the tool should be retested very soon. Blue labels are reserved for high-use appliances. If a machine is tested and the results are below safety standards then it is given a red label. This is to help ensure that the machine is not used until repairs to the machine have been made or the machine has been replaced.
Another positive aspect to the PAT test labels is that the system just does not rely on certain colors to indicate the safety and functionality of the machines. Each label is required to be tagged with either PASSED or FAILED as a result of the tests that are applied. The labeling of each tag along with the color coded system will help to ensure that the proper care is taken in regards to each appliance. It means that no one will use a faulty machine and run the risk of being injured because of it. All labels are placed in a very prominent place on the machine, so that people are well aware of the state of the tool before they start to use it.
PAT testing is an important aspect of a business, especially one whose workers frequently use electronic appliances in order to complete their work. Workers safety is an extremely important issue and should be taken very seriously. It is always good business practice to make sure that dangerous situations are not a part of the normal working environment and that if they do arise; necessary steps should be taken to remove the danger from the workspace. PAT test labels are used to ensure that all of your appliances meet the code requirements for safety and operations. Using a PAT tester can help give you peace of mind so that you are even more aware of the state of your tools. Keep in mind the red tags indicate that a machine is unsafe and should not be used under any circumstances until it is repaired or replaced. A blue tag means that the machine is working properly at the moment, but should be tested again soon within a short period of time. A green tag will indicated that the machine is in good working condition and is able to be used for an indefinite period of time. The reliance on the proven system of PAT test labels will help your business to stay in prime working condition and help avoid unnecessary costs or injuries to employees.
by: Vikram kuamr
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