subject: Major Factors That Impact Taxi Insurance Premiums [print this page] Do you need UK taxi cover, but are uncertain how to get rock-bottom cover? The key is to find the perfect policy with the perfect price. Is the process an exact science? No, but by knowing how to find lower premiums, you can accomplish your mission.
Here are some factors that you should be aware of, to get you on the road to cheaper premiums:
1. Age and Gender.
While being a certain gender or age doesn't guarantee that you're a safer driver, taxicab insurers are interested in statistics. And statistics show that women and drivers over 30-years-old tend to be safer drivers than men and drivers below 30-years-old. So while your age and gender won't guarantee that you'll get a rock-bottom premium, it can certain help to lower it substantially.
2. Garage Location.
Vehicles that are parked in high-crime areas tend to require higher premiums. So you should certainly consider this fact when taking out an insurance policy for taxis. Your taxi company might want to consider relocating out of a rough neighbourhood.
3. Voluntary Excess.
Voluntary excess means that you agree to pay a higher percentage of any claim made against your taxi insurance policy. This step can help you to save on your premium, but buyer beware! If you end up making a claim, you could end up paying an arm and a leg if the claim is a huge one. So it's somewhat of a gamble. If you need lower premiums and are an extremely careful driver, then it might be worthwhile. If you don't meet those requirements, then it might not be.
4. Taxi-Driving Experience.
In the UK, this is determined by the duration that taxi drivers have obtained a taxi badge from their local taxi authority. The longer you've held that badge, the lower premiums you'll be entitled to. In any profession, there's definitely something to be said for having a substantial amount of experience under your belt. And that experience can translate into lower costs for insurance companies.
5. No Claims Discount.
Have you driven a UK taxi for a relatively long time without making any claims? If so, then you might be entitled to a discount on your taxi insurance. The duration that you've driven without filing a claim will dictate how much of a discount you get (sorry, filing no claims after one day of taxi driving won't save you any money). But this amount can be quite substantial if you've filed no claims within several years of taxi driving!
6. Restricted Driving.
Many UK taxi companies offer huge discounts based on how many people will be driving a particular taxi. The fewer people who are insured for a car, the lower the premiums for the drivers will be. And the premiums are especially low if the only driver of the taxi is the owner of the vehicle!
If you want to pay cheaper UK taxi insurance, you can do it. These are some of the biggest factors that help to determine how high or low premiums will be.
by: Tom Jones
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