subject: Speak French Phrases - The Key If You Want To Learn To Speak French Fluently [print this page] You can go to any number of websites that offer learning French for free and you will find plenty of ways to learn a few French words. The trouble is, words on their own aren't sentences. If you want to learn fluent French then by definition you need to speak French phrases.
Here's an example. The French word for bread is "pain" - it actually sounds like "pan". The French word for a bread shop is a boulangerie. Two very useful words - especially if you're a bit peckish!
But not a sentence. Not a complete phrase. How would you say "can you tell me where the bakers is please?"
You would say "o est la boulangerie, s'il vous plat?"
That's a perfect example of the benefit of learning to speak French phrases, rather than just a few words. Words are important components, of course, but until you can construct a sentence or two, you're not really speaking French, certainly not fluently.
If all you want to do is learn a bit of French for your own amusement, or because you are taking a French vacation in a big tourist area, then a handful of words (plus a bit of pointing and the occasional nod or shake of the head) will probably be enough in most situations! The French really are very helpful if you make even the smallest effort to speak their language.
But if you want to get under the skin of France, if you are intending to spend some time here, or you need to learn to speak French fluently for something job-related, the free online French lessons just don't give you enough. You need structure, proper modern teaching methods to help you learn quickly and a comprehensive set of teaching tools.
Once you've decided that it's time to invest in a proper course there are a bewildering array of options. CDs, DVDs and French software downloads give you ways to learn French which are both fast and fun. There's even one which will give you your money back if you are not satisfied. Not the kind of thing you can usually try in your local book or record store!
by: Bob Beacham
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