subject: Chester County Mulch: Save Your Plants And Defend Your Garden From The Summer Heat [print this page] Pennsylvania residents know that the heat of summer is right around the corner, if not already here.The best defense against the sweltering heat and humidity is an organic layer of mulch thats applied and maintained carefully.Mulching flowerbeds, around trees, and vegetable beds keeps plants in good condition and encourages their survival against the extreme summer temperatures.Chester County mulch is available to suppress weeds, keep soil moist, moderate soil temperatures, and ensure the health and vitality of plants, flowers, trees, and shrubs all summer long.
Early spring, we encourage Chester County residents to prune and fertilize their plants before the onset of summer heat, and then prepare flowerbeds with mulch.The more you know about Chester County mulch, the better decisions youll make regarding mulch application and what types of mulch are effective for your landscape.
Chester County Mulch:Weed Suppression
Mulch suppresses the growth of weeds. When applied around flowerbeds, mulch effectively blocks out the light and prevents weeds and unwanted plants from germinating. Once the light is prevented from reaching seeds, far fewer will grow and youll only have a few weeds to deal with. Although mulch doesnt stop all weeds from growing, a few weeds is a manageable situation and can be handled with a minimal amount of weekly attention.
Chester County Mulch:Keeping Soil Temperature Stable
When soil is bare, it can suffer from extremes both over the course of a single day and during the summer months.When covered in a layer of mulch, the soil is shaded and maintains a much cooler temperature.In the winter, the mulch keeps soil warmermulch is effective during any month and any season, moderating extreme conditions and keeping soil temperature constant.Chester County mulch is essential for the health of your soil, and all microorganisms, microbes, and earthworms that contribute to soil quality.Temperature control keeps their environment hospitable.
Chester County Mulch:Soil Moisture
Mulch slows the evaporation of water in your soil, preserving moisture.This makes life easier, as youll need to water less frequently and youll be conserving water as well.When watered regularly, plants arent subject to as much drought-related stress and benefit from improved health.
There are many types of mulch available, such as root and stump mulch that are highly effective in water retention, sterile mulch for use on playgrounds, organic mulch, non-toxic mulch, and aged mulch.Before buying, consult with a professional wholl be happy to recommend the Chester County mulch most appropriate for your back yard and landscape.Mulch is both effective and aesthetically pleasingto encourage healthy plants and deep root growth, mulch your flowerbeds, shrubbery, small trees, and plants this summer.
by: Erica Ronchetti
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