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subject: Using Lustra For Skin Lightening [print this page]

Skin lightening products are sought after products in the skin care market. Women all over the world buy skin lightening creams to make their skin look fairer. If there is a need, there is a supply as well. Recognizing the need of many women to lighten their skin color, many manufacturers have brought out different types of products that help in lightening the skin color. Of all products those which contain hydroquinone are the most popular.

Skin lightening creams effectively reduce the pigmentation of the skin caused due to various reasons such as freckles, melasma, sun spots and age spots. The spots on the skin are caused by melanin, a naturally occurring coloring pigment in the skin. Melanin is produced by the skin in response to sunlight falling on the skin. Melanin offers protection against the harmful radiations present in sunlight but also makes the skin look darker.

Lustra is a skin lightening solution that uses hydroquinone to lighten the skin color. Hydroquinone works by inhibiting the action of melanin. It works in two ways first it decreases the production of melanin. Secondly it breaks down the excess melanin produced by the skin. Lustra is very effective in lightening the skin color and is easily available.

Hydroquinone is one of the oldest and most trusted ingredients to lighten the skin color. It is used all over the world and many have benefited from using hydroquinone. The amount of hydroquinone present in the skin lightening creams might vary but typically they contain about 2% - 4% of hydroquinone. Using higher amounts of hydroquinone may not be beneficial and in some cases can cause adverse effects. Lustra contains the ideal amount of hydroquinone and is safe for use.

Lustra provides a quick solution to lighten the skin. You can apply small amounts of Lustra to the part of skin which is dark in color or pigmented. Allow it to stand for a while till it dries off completely. You can see visible results within a few treatments. Continued use will help in removing all dark spots. It helps the skin to regain the original color. You can use it safely no matter what your age is. It is known to work on both young and old women without causing any adverse effects.

You can buy Lustra online buy Lustra online too. Lustra also contains a moisturizer to prevent the skin from losing the natural luster. An antioxidant present in the cream helps in exfoliation and helps in improving the skin tone. Alpha hydroxyl acid, which is another active ingredient in Lustra helps in inducing free radicals. All of the ingredients work together to help you obtain clear and fairer skin in no time with minimal efforts.

by: Reshma Anand

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