subject: Antarctica Trip Experience [print this page] Visiting almost every clime on earth, this ninety-one year old traveler has now seen Antarctica. She wasn't going to rely on someone else's vision of the land, as found in magazines or on television, she wanted to see it for herself.
It was the first time she'd set eyes on Antarctica, though she'd been in the same region twice previously. She flew over Antarctica, though she never did land.
She traveled over Antarctica for four hours time and saw fjords, glaciers and mountain peaks. At one point they even descended to 300 feet above the ground.
Fog covered one of the mountain ranges they passed. The flight had perfect weather; it was clear and the sun was shining.
Even though the flight took place at the end of the Antarctic Summer, early March, the air was below freezing. They were treated to a lecture, and had their questions answered by a naturalist who was currently researching on Antarctica.
Because she's a birder, our traveler really wanted to see penguins. She wasn't able to see any penguins on the flight.
Her daughter, who was sitting at another of the plane's windows did see a far-distant colony. Traveling to the Falkland Islands, off the coast of Argentina, was accomplished by cruise ship.
She got her chance to see them up close when she traveled to the East Island of the Falklands by boat.
There were hundreds of Magellan penguins there. Magellans stand the tallest of all penguin species.
After flying for sixteen hours from the United States, they cruised from a South American city. They were able to see many South American ports, and then were invited to take a dip in the ship's pool.
Swimming in air temps of only thirty-five degrees doesn't sound so fun, but this ninety-one year old did it and got a certificate for having done so.
After the ship reached Chile, the tourists were driven to Santiago, which they toured. They then flew to Rio.
No one could have asked for better weather during their three week cruise. Because of the crystal clear night sky, passengers were able to see the Southern Cross. This is the smallest of all the constellations.
The ninety-one year-old had visited South America before; she'd cruised the major river and spent time in one of the major cities. She got to go back to the jungle surrounding that river.
The mass destruction of the bird habitat in that area troubled her. Having traveled to Africa to see her friends, she took a Safari.
A past trip to left Antarctica as the only continent she'd not visited. That four hour flight above Antarctica enabled her to complete her goal.
by: John Chambers
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