subject: Commonly Asked Business Insurance Questions [print this page] Getting insurance for your business is far from simple. You need to understand the various things that each policy offers and also figure out what you need for your particular business. So to understand the features of each policy, here are some commonly asked questions that you may find useful.
Keep in mind that you may have to look deeper than these questions to get all the details.
Question: What does business insurance cover and not cover?
Answer: It can cover everything from lawsuits and claims from employees. If your employee gets injured on the job and wants you to compensate him for the personal injury than the right policy can cover your fees. If a client incurs losses or damages as a result of a mistake on your part (when regarding services), then the policy can also cover the expenses.
What insurance cannot cover are laws and regulations that are carried out if you violate any of them. You will still have to pay a fine out of your own pocket. Even though there is a form of insurance called business interruption policy, it cannot cover your losses if your business performs poorly due to a change in trends or competition. This policy is covers the lost income if your place of business is damaged and you cannot earn money until it is repaired.
Question: How Do I Choose the Right Business Insurance Policy?
Answer: The right policy all depends on your business. If you own a pub for example, you will have to get quite a bit of different policies to protect yourself. This ranges from protecting yourself from losing your liquor license, protecting yourself if somebody gets hurt or killed in your pub, protecting yourself from employees that are cheating your earnings.
Assess your business and see what kind of protection you need. Every business is very different and you will have to add some additional policies under one plan in order to cover all your liabilities. To get an idea of what you need, you can talk to other business owners.
Question: Is It Worth Getting the Maximum Cover?
Answer: No, you do not have to go overboard and protect yourself across all areas. Instead, you should assess your business to see what you need. If you don't live near the coast or live in a dry area, it probably wouldn't benefit you if you got insurance for floods. If you offer a simple service, you may not want to get professional indemnity (which protects you if a client incurs losses due to your mistake).
Question: How Do I Prepare My Claim?
Answer: Your best bet is to use take a photo of things you want to claim. You should also log everything and write down all the details. To get proof, you should contact law enforcement for additional documentation. Take everything and contact your broker in order to go through with the claim.
These are some of the most common business insurance questions. Take some time to do some research if there are other questions which you still have unanswered before you decide which type of policy to buy.
by: Tom Jones
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