subject: Cracked Mouth Corner Treatment - Get Rid Of Angular Chelitis Now [print this page] Cracked mouth corner treatment should be undertaken once you have an understanding of the condition. Many people do not realize that over 95% of people with cracked mouth corners actually have the very common condition known as Angular Chelitis.
If you have small cracks at the edges of your mouth which are similar to paper cuts, then this is likely to be chelitis, particularly of the splits become red and inflamed and the dry skin develops a whitish appearance and the cuts become swollen at the edges. The condition is caused by the growth of bacteria which often becomes fungal in nature if left untreated.
The condition can persist on and off for years, with many sufferers having outbreaks which become more and more severe and longer lasting as the months go by, often until it becomes an almost permanent feature! many older people develop the condition due to the pooling of saliva at the corners of the mouth but it can equally affect younger people and can be caused by badly fitting braces or pen or finger sucking.
Bacteria typically thrives in damp, warm conditions and the edges of the mouth, particularly if there are tiny folds of skin, can be a perfect environment. If you think the cause is obvious, then cracked mouth corner treatment can initially be quite simple-either get the dentures or braces adjusted or discourage finger sucking and/or pen biting (a bitter-tasting liquid such as an anti nail biting solution often does the trick!). Another simple form of cracked mouth corner treatment is to apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly-this may not get rid of the condition but it will give some temporary pain relief.
If you have had the condition for more than a couple of days, it is likely to have developed into a thrush-like infection which is notoriously difficult to eradicate. If this is the case, then you will initially need to use a treatment which starves the bacteria and fungal infection of oxygen.
If you have had cracked lip corners or scabs for more than a couple of days, it is likely that the condition has taken hold. If you would like to look at pictures that can help you verify your own condition, you can download this simple and effective overnight cure from the Angular Chelitis Foundation. This cure will dry out the condition within hours, providing fast and permanent relief.
by: Annie Hopkins
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