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Watch Dexter - an American Television Drama Series

Author: cherry
Watch Dexter - an American Television Drama Series

Author: cherry

Dexter is an American television drama series that airs on the premium channel Showtime. Onetime Six Feet Under regular Michael C. Hall stars in this characteristically kinky, cutting-edge crime series from Showtime. Hall was cast as Dexter Morgan, a likeable, self-effacing Miami police forensic expert specializing in blood-splatter analysis -- who secretly moonlighted as a serial killer. Early on, Dexter's homicidal tendencies were detected by his adoptive police officer father, Harry (James Remar), who encouraged his son to channel his violent impulses in a positive manner, and also pounded a strict moral code into the boy. As an adult, Dexter vowed to "take out the trash" and continue "honing his craft" by murdering other serial killers, and similar miscreants who would have otherwise slipped through the fingers of justice. Remarkably, Dexter managed to emerge a sympathetic figure via inner monologues wherein he explained his motives and modus operandi, all but encouraging the viewer to cheer him on in his bloody crusade against crime. Such was Dexter's harmless-looking veneer that no one suspected him of being a killer: not his adoptive sister, Debra (Jennifer Carpenter), a Miami cop; nor his emotionally scarred girlfriend, Rita (Julie Benz), who'd only recently escaped an abusive relationship with her ex-husband; nor his police superior Lt. LaGuerta (Lauren Velez). Only his colleague Sgt. Doakes (Erik King) had an inkling that there was about the personable Dexter -- an inkling that earned Doakes Dexter's respect. The show is based on characters created by Jeff Lindsay for his series of Dexter novels. It was adapted for television by Emmy Award-winning screenwriter James Manos, Jr., who wrote the pilot episode. When CBS announced in December 2007 it was considering Dexter for broadcast over the public airwaves, Parents Television Council (PTC) publicly protested the decision.. In preparation for the broadcast premiere of Dexter on CBS, on January 29, 2008 the network posted promotional videos on YouTube. The next day, the PTC for a second time called upon CBS to withdraw plans to broadcast the show. PTC President Timothy F. Winter issued a news release stating "We are formally asking CBS to cancel its plan to air the first season of Dexter on its television network. This show is not suitable for airing on broadcast television; it should remain on a premium subscription cable network. The biggest problem with the series is something that no amount of editing can get around: the series compels viewers to empathize with a serial killer, to root for him to prevail, to hope he doesn't get discovered." The show premiered on February 17, 2008 with minor edits, primarily for language, and with scenes involving dismemberment of live victims cut away. Scenes involving sex were also taken out of the broadcasts. The PTC also objected to CBS broadcasting the final two episodes of the season in a two-hour block starting as early as 8 p.m. in some time zones. On October 21, 2008, Dexter was renewed for a fourth and fifth season, each consisting of twelve episodes. Season 4 aired its season finale on December 13, 2009 to a record-breaking audience of 2.6 million viewers, making it the most-watched original series episode ever on Showtime.About the Author:

For more information on this TV Show, such as plot summaries and episode guides go to dexter episodes online. Also you can visit watch dexter online to read up on this TV series online.

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