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What Is In A Logo Design

Fact of the matter is everything"s in a logoFact of the matter is everything"s in a logo. If you are an emerging business, you"ll need a well-created logo for brand recognition and promotion, for making your presence felt and for people to be able to identify and relate to your products. Similarly, a well established firm is in just as much need of a strong and chic logo for the purpose of brand empowerment, to portray their solid corporate position and to create top-of-the-mind awareness.

So what"s in that leaping panther of Puma or the Bull of Lamborghini or that ever famous, ever green swoosh of Nike that you don"t even have to think twice before jumping in to buy their products without even feeling the need to look at the name; their symbols or in other words, their logos do the talking! A rocket scientist certainly isn"t the only one to figure out the reason. It"s because their logos are a clear depiction of who they are, what they stand for and the strength, authority and supremacy of their firm and its products.

Since a logo pretty much says it all about your company, it should be kept neat and simple; going overboard with your Custom Logo Design will get you nowhere except for creating a confusing and garish image of your brand/company in the mind of the person looking at it. The important design elements to focus on are a logo"s shape, color and font. A lot of thought should be given to the logo"s shape as you wouldn"t want to end up with a meaningless and unprofessional picture creating a negative image of your brand. Same goes for color and font. A logo doesn"t have to be psychedelically colored with an insanely twisted and complex font to leave a lasting impression; a monochromatic logo with a simple bold typeface like that of Puma can create a stronger impact on the audience.

So keep it clean, keep it simple! The more original and stylistic your Logo Design is, greater are the chances that it will stand out and become your ultimate identity!

by: damonjim

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