subject: Cleaning Business Plan: Are You Experienced? [print this page] The business plan is your first opportunity to show potential funders that you have the experience needed to launch your cleaning business. But what kind of experience are they looking for?
Technical Skills
Although you may or may not be doing any of the cleaning yourself, someone in the company needs the technical skills for the type of cleaning service you will be offering. This individual must be ready to train employees in the company way of doing things, even if they come with experience of their own. Technical skills should include the knowledge of how to work safely (so as not to endanger the worker or anyone else), properly (so as not to cause any damage), efficiently (to get the work done in the least amount of time possibly), and inexpensively (to cause the lease amount of wasted supplies and equipment).
Management Skills
The knowledge of cleaning is not enough to create a business out of it. The business needs a manager who knows how to hire, train, and fire employees, schedule clients, assure the quality of services, and make financial decisions. Often, the entrepreneur with technical skills does not have these management skills and visa versa. One or the other may need to be a partner you bring on to fill out the qualifications of the company.
Sales Skills
Finally, someone must be have the ability to be the selling face of the company. This individual must have a service-oriented personality, the ability to earn the trust or clients, and, if possible, a track record of sales or customer service experience. If you hire a salesperson without prior experience in sales, you or someone else will have to spend additional time on training and essentially become a sales manager. If you or one of your partners handles the sales functions, you will have to learn sales skills and tactics quickly, but wont have the advantage of an experienced trainer.
by: Eric Powers
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