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Obama Grants: Designed For Encouraging Moms To Get A Degree

For many the idea of returning to college as working mothers seems almost a dream. However it need not be with the assistance of the government beneath the Obama administration. However do you know what the Obama grant is all about? While federal programs such as ones assisting working mothers in attending college have been brought to the fore they are merely existing government benefits that have been reworked. As a mom the idea of going back to college maybe a dream you never thought could be fulfilled now it can through the Pell grants a huge asset to any potential student.

One of long term and common forms of financial aid which can be obtained through the government particularly for college is known as the Federal Pell grant. One has to agree that a huge benefit of the Pell grant is the lack of repayment normally required for student loans making it an attractive benefit. The Pell grant has been formed to be awarded to those who wish to attain an undergraduate degree. It must be noted that students with a professional degree or a bachelor's will not be awarded such a grant. Scholarships for Mom's program is causing quite a stir mainly due to its great benefits for single, working mothers alike. The Pell grant is being used by President Obama and his administration to encourage mothers to make use of the funds in attending college although no specific program exists by that name.

The Pell grant has a further advantage besides it being a monetary gift in that it does not place restrictions when it comes to sourcing other financial aids. Both federal programs and private non-federal organizations can be applied to in order to cover further educational costs. In the award year from July 1, 2009, to June 30, 2010, the maximum amount of a Pell grant is $5,350. So even though this amount will most likely not cover all your college costs, you can still apply for other resources to supplement your federal Pell grant aid. It must be noted that you are not limited to tuition once awarded money. Books, laptops, housing and travel expenses are acceptable costs when it comes to paying for education.

Highlighted benefits of the Pell grant program have increased due to the attention been given by the Obama administration as well as making scholarships for moms' all the more popular. Such a federal program makes for a favorable choice when it comes to single mothers who are working and wish to earn a degree. College no longer has to be just a dream because of family or financial needs.

It is encouraging to see how the Obama grant obtained through the federal Pell grant program has benefited many to go to college. For all working mothers this is a definite plus. Single mothers working full-time are specifically being encouraged by the current administration to take advantage and earn a degree. The current administration is heartily cheering for single, full-time working mothers to apply for college and earn a degree. Your future could be much brighter than you realize.

by: Marlon Jackson

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