subject: Learn How To Produce More MLM Leads For Your Home Business [print this page] Having a tough time finding enough people to talk to about your Network Marketing business? Well don't despair, it's not only you who has this problem, so do thousands of other mlm marketers across the globe.
I experienced this issue myself for quite a few years actually, it's true to say it's the biggest killer in our beloved profession!
With 97% of Network Marketers having this problem it's amazing more distributors haven't come up with a solution. Those who are fans of the great Mark Yarnell will know he says in his training that to make it big in this business you should be talking to thirty people each and every day. Expose thirty new folks to your products and opportunity each day if you want to make it big.
Perhaps you along with many others have considered the option of buying your leads? To me this is a no-go zone. There are plenty of lead companies out there happy to take your money, but most of the time the leads are not very targeted or qualified and above all, they have no idea who you are when you call, there has been no previous self branding, which is a big mistake. Trust me, stay away from this option.
So we know that a lack of mlm leads is rife in our industry, so how can we solve it?
The internet is the way forward for Network Marketers struggling to generate leads. There is an almost unlimited supply of leads online and almost anybody can tap into it for their share. Just think of how many searches are done online each and every day for ways to make some extra cash, it runs into the millions. It really is as easy as positioning yourself where you can be found.
When I first started online I used free content marketing to build my business from scratch. Like a lot of people in our industry I was short on cash therefore I needed a strategy that wouldn't cost any money, I did however have time to put into my business.
So let's briefly look at how this content marketing strategy works
You need to have an attraction marketing system set up first, this will provide you with a simple website page that you will use to generate leads. Built into it will also be a follow-up system, it's vital that you follow-up with prospects as this is part of the very important relationship and trust building process. What you want to do is drive as many visitors to your web page as possible and offer them something that is of real value to them, they will then enter your sales funnel by giving you their name and email. Most of the time you will be offering a training product of some description, maybe a video training, ebook or audio, your attraction marketing system will usually have such things incorporated into it. By using such a system you are positioning yourself as a leader in the industry.
You should create some content, this might be a written article or maybe a training video. Either way it should provide value to the reader and solve the problems that they maybe researching. Your content should be properly tagged with the keywords you want it to show up for, that way people can find it. Someone may for example search for mlm leads, if you're content is about generating mlm leads then it needs to show up for 'mlm leads'.
Next in the strategy is to distribute your material to the most places possible, so this might be article directories, bookmarking site, video sites etc. There are tools available which will automate most of the process.
If you carry these steps out correctly on a consistent basis you can generate all the traffic and leads you want. Streamline the strategy and learn how to make the most of it and success will be yours.
Learn How To Produce More MLM Leads For Your Home Business
By: James Hicks
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