subject: Don't Overlook Any Resource When Going To College Online [print this page] There probably isn't a single working mother who doesn't comprehend that continuing her education will improve the lot of her household. Still, many have heard nightmare stories about graduates being buried alive in college loans. It makes them wonder how they will make ends meet with that additional burden. As it happens, there are a number of scholarships and grants out there that can make them improve their lot, virtually debt free.
Critical to all this is the single parent get in touch with an online financial aid advisor in order to pursue grants for single moms. Online schools not only will allow these students to take their classes around their regular jobs and taking care of their family, but cost incredibly less than their land-based counterparts. These advisors will also present them with a wide array of grants and scholarships, but help them when it comes to filling out the forms.
From there, one can divide the institutions that will help cover the costs of continued education into four different categories. They are as follows:
The Federal Government - This is the first place just about everyone goes to for their scholarships for single mothers. This includes such well-known programs as the Pell and SEOG Grants, S-STEM grants, tax relief directly from the IRS, and more. While the government is the first and primary source of financial assistance, it also should be known it often doesn't cover the entire bill. Thus these other three sources.
State Governments - The U.S. state one lives in actually can be a tremendous source of scholarships and grants, depending on the state one lives in. The state of Florida alone has 41 different programs for single working parents for its residents alone. A good way to find out is to go on one's state website and see just what they offer and what fits your needs.
Private Corporations and Institutions - Many don't realize these institutions are less thought of as a resource, but they shouldn't be. These corporations not only see their financial aid as a great tax write-off, but also a great way to find future high quality personnel. The list includes an incredible number of Fortune 500 names, including Tylenol, Apple, Microsoft and Blockbuster Video.
Professional and Private Societies - This is another critical source of grants and scholarships. Yes, they tend to hand out money based on their own self-interests, but can also be quite generous. These institutions include the American Association of University Women, the Jeanette Rankin Women's Scholarship Fund, the Society of Women's Engineers and the United Negro College Fund. Another thing is they are an excellent source for networking to other institutions offering grants and scholarships.
by: Michelle Conner
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