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subject: Realizing About Hair And Beauty [print this page]

There is so much important information that you should know when it comes to hair and beauty. No matter who you are, hair and beauty is an important issue, one that you are going to want to be aware of so that you can keep yourself looking young and beautiful. Of all the different information that you can learn about when it comes to hair and beauty, here are a few tips in particular that will help you out.

Determining Skin Tone

Of all the different issues that you should be concerned with when it comes to hair and beauty, one of the most major would be determining your skin tone, and this is important for a few different reasons. For one, by determining your skin tone, you will be able to learn what hair colors are going to work best on you, as well as what colors in your clothing you should stick to and which you should avoid.

To figure out whether you are a warm or cool skin tone, there are a few things that you will need to think about. If your eyes are deep brown or black-brown, gray blue or dark blue, hazel with white or blue specks, or your hair is blue black, deepest coffee brown, medium ash brown, medium golden brown, dishwater blonde or salt and pepper, you are considered as being a cool tone.

This means that you should avoid wearing warm tones in your clothes or in your hair, such as gold, yellow, red and bronze tones in hair color. This is because by wearing these sorts of colors you are going to end up looking sallow and drawn.

You are considered as having a warm skin tone if your eyes are golden brown, green, green blue or turquoise, or if your hair is deep brown with gold or red highlights, red, strawberry blonde, gray with a yellow cast, or natural golden blonde. Remember that when you are trying to determine this, you should be going by your natural hair color and not the color that your hair may be dyed at the time.

Now that you know whether you should be looking for a cool or warm tone in your hair color, you are ready for the next step, and this is to understand the natural pigment in your hair, and learning about complimentary colors. As you can see, there is so much information to learn on the issue of health and beauty, and so you are going to want to become as educated as you can.

by: Clifford S. Magno

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