subject: 3 Ways To Position Yourself As An Expert [print this page] Did you ever wonder how somebody becomes an expert? Is there a governing body with a magic wand that deems people as experts in their fields or is this something that the average business owner can do? These are questions that many business owners ask and the answer to all is that positioning yourself as an expert in your industry is much easier than most think. By simply taking advantage of these three tips, you too can become an expert in your field.
Be Visible and Strut Your Stuff.
Experts are seen everywhere. They are master networkers and implementers and available to answer questions openly in their area of expertise. Be seen in social media forums and discussion boards, write articles, write a book and call into talk radio.
Strut Your Stuff by Educating Not Selling.
Experts have opinions, methods or a process that achieve results and they educate others. You can do this by providing classes, workshops, teleclass or guest lectures at your local universities or Chamber of Commerce. They never lead in for the sale, they understand that the business will come as a result of this action.
Use the Media to Get the Word Out.
Experts use PR as a valuable marketing strategy. They know how important it is to get their name and their personal brand out. They pitch to the media, get on talk radio, are guest on local and national TV programs and they are very visible outside of their space.
Once you successfully position yourself as an expert, use the following Rules of Engagement in order to sustain your image of an expert.
1.Experts are always "on" - They understand their reputation is on the line and that people depend upon and will act upon what they say. They own that responsibility.
2.Experts are busy - They are not hanging out on social media sites all day long. They are master implementers and time managers.
3.Experts are professional - They never talk down to people and position their opinions as an alternative point of view.
Master these simple three tips and abide by the rules of engagement every day and you too will become the expert in your field. With expert positioning, you are able to enhance your credibility, build trusting relationships with your target market and customers and attract new opportunities to you and your business. The goal isn't to be seen as an expert once, but to build a reputation that lasts a lifetime.
by: Kellie D'Andrea
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