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subject: Sunburn Remedy [print this page]

Sunburn is a burn on the skin and a type of skin disorder. It results from overexposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun. The consequence of this burn is inflammation of the skin. Injury can start within 30 minutes of exposure. The skin consists of several different layers and chemicals that work to protect those layers. One of the most important chemicals in the body is called "Melanin". This substance is responsible for ensuring that the pigment within the skin is properly protected. Unfortunately, when the skin has been exposed to too high of an amount of ultraviolet rays that emerge from the sun itself, this protective chemical in the skin is unable to effectively protect the body.

Sunburn does not appear immediately after exposure. It may be some hours after which the skin becomes red and painful. Sun burnt area may also suffer from swelling. Some blisters may form and fever may be present. The effect of sunburn is worst after about 6 hours of exposure. Unfortunately there isn't any real cure, as such, for sunburn. It's a case of nursing your damaged skin back to health. Of course the pharmaceutical industry would like us to believe their products can prevent or cure sunburn. Be wary of these claims. I'm going to cover a few ways of recovering from sunburn using wholly natural substances.

If you have sunburn, then it most certainly means that your skin has become dehydrated. You will have to replenish the water content. Drink lots of water (even though it makes you urinate a lot), and also stick to a liquid diet if possible for one whole day. Eat a lot of fruits that are high in water content such as watermelons, oranges, sweet limes and cantaloupes. If you have blisters form on your sunburnt skin you may be tempted to burst them in order to relieve the pressure and the pain. Only do this with a sharp pin that you have sanitised by holding over a naked flame. Carefully squeeze the liquid out and soak up with a paper tissue. Never remove the skin covering the blister as this is protecting the new skin growing underneath.

If you are already affected by sun burn then apply Aloe Vera cream to the affected areas. Aloe cream acts as a soothing agent for the skin and reduces the effect of sun burn. f you have suffered sunburn on any part of your face, then place a slice of tomato over that part. Tomato has a lot of water content and will have soothing effect on the sunburned skin. For sunburns on the face, this is a very good recipe. Mix some barley powder in milk and make it into a paste. Add little olive oil to it. Then add honey and the white of an egg. Blend the whole thing into a consistent paste and apply it on the skin. This method is only effective for sunburns on the face.

While sunburn and the appearance of aging are two complications of sun exposure, it is important to understand that there are many benefits that you can gain from the light that the sun emits.

by: jannet

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