subject: Got A Great Story About Your Experience With Pet Health Insurance? Want To Win $500? [print this page] Has your pet insurance policy saved you from putting a much-loved cat or dog to sleep? Or kept you from going thousands of dollars into debt to save a life? If so, youve probably told the story to your family, friends, neighbors, and anyone else who would listen.
Well now, that story could win you a $500 prize!
To celebrate National Pet Health Insurance Month, the North American Pet Health Insurance Association, or NAPHIA, invites you to tell them how pet health insurance has helped you when your pet was in need of medical care.
The submitted stories will be used in NAPHIAs mission of educating pet owners about the values and benefits of pet health insurance. NAPHIA board members will review the submissions and choose one contest winner, who will receive $500.
Here are the contest details, as published on the organizations website: