subject: The 20 Types Of Executives(part 4) How To Improve Your Performance No Matter What Type You Are [print this page] In our final article, we'll review the last types of Executive personalities.
Hopefully, you can be better aware of your own type of personality and see how executive coaching could benefit you.
14. The Popularity Contest.
This executive still wants to be friends with his direct reports. He prefers harmony and popularity to conflict. As a result, he has a hard time raising standards, giving tough feedback, and holding people accountable. The coach can work with this client to have him value respect more than popularity, practice the behaviors that lead to results, and get skilled at dealing with conflicts.
15. The Psychic Communicator.
This executive keeps it all in his head. Employees rarely know how they are doing, what future plans are, the vision for the organization, or what they need to do to get ahead. Often these individuals have trouble expressing their ideas, or haven't thought through their point of view clearly enough. The coach can work with this executive to become a concise, more open communicator.
16. The Analyst.
The Analyst needs to know every step in a process, and often drives non-analysts crazy with ongoing requests for information. However, the Analyst's focus on details is valuable. The coach can work with the Analyst to get comfortable making decisions more quickly, and to learn to adapt his style for the drivers, visionaries, and political animals of the world.
17. The Death by Consensus Executive.
This person will almost never make a decision without 100% agreement from everyone who has any kind of say in a particular matter. On the plus side, this person works hard to get buy-in and commitment from people in the organization, so that when consensus is reached, things actually get done. However, he goes too far and takes too long to move things forward, including wasting time with too many meetings and involving more people than may be needed. As a coach, you can work with this person to become more comfortable getting "just enough" consensus to move forward. For instance, plan ahead to determine exactly who needs input and who doesn't, how to handle resistance (e.g. whether to go around someone, influence them indirectly, or offer them bigger incentives to change), and how to influence people quickly to get on board.
18. The Saboteur.
The Saboteur often resents or feels threatened by a peer and does what he can to sabotage his peer's efforts. For instance, in health care it is not uncommon to see the COO and CFO undermine one another's efforts, and compete for more power over the budget and personnel. A Saboteur might publicly agree to a decision, and then resist it or ignore it afterwards. He is also known for blaming other people for anything that goes wrong, and refusing to take responsibility. The coach needs to deal delicately with the saboteur's behaviors, and get specific data about what the executive is doing and the potential costs. Then he can suggest alternative behaviors and, if needed, have open discussions with the client and his peers to agree on new rules of behavior going forward. Remember that a Saboteur can just as easily sabotage the coach as anyone else he works with!
19. The Empire Builder.
The Empire Builder is a master at protecting his or her turf. He builds silos that prevent the overall organization from working as efficiently and smoothly as it could. The coach can work with this type of executive to think more about the overall system and process, and the need to focus on customer satisfaction and loyalty first.
20. The Control Freak.
This executive doesn't trust others to do things as well as him. He tends to micromanage and set people up to fail by not giving them enough information, resources, or latitude to show what they can do on their own. He steps in too soon in situations, so that employees don't develop and often take a passive approach. The coach needs to work with this individual to either trust his team or put in place a team he can trust. Then the coach can work with him to set boundaries and guidelines for when to direct (e.g., when people don't have the skill or the proper attitude), and when to monitor.
Gain by Being Open to the Coaching Process
You will find as you start your coaching that gaps will exist between where you are and where you want to go. That is normal and simply part of the process. Know at the start that only by identifying, measuring and tracking can performance improve, and change can only take place by implementing strategies and tracking results.As you progress, you will feel more comfortable making any mid-course corrections, and acknowledging your wins and milestones.
by: Brad Sugars
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