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If you played the original BioShock, you've probably been waiting for the sequel with baited breath. BioShock 2 finally arrived for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC on February 9. The game makes many improvements on the original, such as multiplayer functionality and a new main character, while maintaining many of the features that fans of BioShock know and love.

Platform: PS3, Xbox 360, PC

Publisher: 2K Games

Genre: 1st Person Shooter

ESRB Rating: Mature

Release Date: 02/09/2010

Graphics: 8.8 / 10.0

Although the graphics in BioShock 2 aren't quite as polished as those seen in BioShock, the look and feel of the city of Rapture is simply amazing and unique. 2K Marin, the game's developer, did a wonderful job of creating a game world that looks and feels like an extension of the original. Weapons and special abilities create interesting and satisfying effects when used, and characters are detailed and unique.

Game Play: 9.0 / 10.0

The game play in BioShock 2 will be familiar to anyone who has played the original game. Players use weapons and special superpowers to battle against an army of genetically modified enemies while discovering secrets and exploring Rapture, the underwater city in which the game takes place. Each area that you encounter comes with specific quests and tasks that you'll have to take on while the story continue. The game play is a combination of first-person shooting, exploration, and moral choices, with players taking on the roll of a Big Daddy and working with (or against) Little Sisters to increase their powers.

Story: 8.9 / 10.0

BioShock 2 takes off 10 years after the original game. The story is largely advanced by picking up and listening to audio tapes. These tapes uncover the events that happened between the games, and reveal additional details about Andrew Ryan, the character you played as in the original game. Although players won't necessarily get the same sense of mystery and wonder that was achieved in BioShock, the increased effect of moral choices on the game's story makes the narrative compelling.

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Music 10.0 / 10.0

The musical score, and sound design in general, are excellent in Bioshock 2. Voice acting is superb and convincing, and the music draws players into the game world. Different areas of the game are scored with different musical pieces, and everything you hear through your speakers is very cohesive and driving.

Replay Value 8.0 / 10.0

Bioshock fans who would rather stick to the single-player game will find plenty to come back for, such as discovering new audio tapes and unlocking new abilities and weapons. However, the real bulk of Bioshock 2's lasting appeal lies in the new multi-player mode. Playing against other Big Daddy's is surprisingly compelling, and although the death-matches aren't quite as compelling as in dedicated multi-player games like Modern Warfare 2, it's a great addition to the franchise.

Overall Score: 8.9 / 10.0

Many gamers were worried that Irrational Games, the development studio that produced BioShock, wouldn't be working on the sequel. Now that we've had a chance to play BioShock 2, it's certain that these fears were unfounded. BioShock 2 is an extremely worthy sequel that will satisfy BioShock diehards and bring plenty of new fans to the franchise.

Review: Bioshock 2 - Good Thing Jack Got Out When He Did

By: gamepodunk

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