When you contact a bank or financial institution in order to request a business loan, showing you are prepared and have gathered all the necessary documentation needed will earn you a good first impression that may turn the scale to your side when approval or denial are at stake. Be Tidy, Organized And ClearAll the documentation that is prepared by you needs to be printed with the same typography and in the same paper unless you need to fill...more
When your credit score is far from good you may find it difficult to get approved for a car loan. Even though car loans are secured loans, people with extremely bad credit (especially those with past bankruptcies) can get declined. If the applicant can provide a co-signer, the lender will also take into consideration the co-signer's credit score and history and if it qualifies, he will grant the loan. What Does Co-Signing Imply?The co-signer...more
After you have graduated from school or terminated your studies, it is time to sit down, grab your calculator and start summing up your education costs. The process to begin repayment can be extensive, but if you organize yourself and get professional guidance, the road to repayment can be a smooth ride. Avoid the bumps that come along with late payments because they could ruin your record. When Does Repayment Begin?Ok so you are out of school. No more 2 ton backpacks, deadline term papers, Albert Einstein equations or all night study groups. Your 4 year education race has come to its end and now it is time to return the favor to those who helped you financially along the grades. Now it is time to visit your financial counselor and make payment arrangements to fulfill all your repayments. If you were an accounting major, this is where the real deal begins. Once you have framed your college diploma and hung your cap and gown, your loan consultant will advice you as to when you can begin paying back your loan. Some loans like FFEL Loans or Direct Stafford Loans will begin accepting payments after the 6-9 month grace period has ended which is after graduation or in some circumstances...more
The opportunity to go to college is a possibility to some and almost a state of hopelessness for others. However, there is a chance to consolidate your loans. When you consolidate you bring your loans together under one monthly payment to ease your repayment plans. Equilibrating Your Budget On A Balance BeamHaving a college education opens doors to...more
When it comes to businesses, the lack of finance can render all the employees and businessmen's efforts useless. Moreover, having a source of finance is not enough unless the money can be obtained fast and without hassles in order to cover for unexpected situations that always rise in everyday commerce and need to be solved expeditiously. Regular...more
If you are tired of being in debt and having to ask for money to family members, friends and financial institutions, if you want to become debt-free and achieve financial independence follow this advice and you will soon be enjoying the freedom and peace of mind that comes with a good financial situation. Know Where You StandPrior to making any financial transaction, you need to know what is exactly your financial situation and what do you expect to achieve. The usual advice at this point is to be realistic. However, do not exclude anything and if you have goals you think are too hard to reach, just put them a "long term goal" tag, but do not forget about them. All your dreams can be achieved as long as you have discipline. Make a budget and include in it all your income and expenses. Divide expenses in daily, weekly, monthly and yearly expenses so you will not leave anything aside. You can then multiply the daily and weekly expenses to know their monthly incidence and divide the yearly expenses for the same purpose. Prepare a report with all your debts. It does not matter who you owe the money, include any loans from family members, friends and lending institutions. Include the...more
Having savings makes things a lot easier. If you have unexpected expenses or you want to make an important purchase it is always better to have some money set aside for such events in order to avoid getting deep into debt without a good reason....more
Mortgage refinancing is a financial solution for homeowners that due to market conditions or a bad credit were forced to request and were approved for a home loan with a high interest rate and other non beneficial loan terms. Once market conditions...more
When someone reaches graduation usually wants to get rid of student debt as fast as possible in order to move on to another stage of his financial life. However, this is not always an easy task. Student debt accumulates and prevents graduated...more
One wonders if all the benefits unsecured loans provide really make up for its drawbacks. In this article we analyze both pros and cons of Unsecured Loans and explain why in some situations unsecured loans are the best choice. As with most things,...more
There are many lenders out there that claim to offer unsecured personal loans for people with bad credit. However, when people apply for the loan they want, they get declined due to a bad credit score or history. You may wonder whether it is possible...more
Debt Consolidation Loans are not the only way to consolidate your debt, there are many other financial options to reduce your monthly payments and cut on your overall debt. With this information you will be able to see which option best suits your...more