Some of the top online business ideas to start an online business with are the tried and true ideas. Even if you're new to trying to make money on the internet you've still probably heard about selling items on eBay or Craigslist. But you may not be familiar with affiliate marketing or making money with blogging. Those that master either of these two avenues for making money can make a great living and can even become rich doing so.As with any...more
Being a young entrepreneur, I can tell you I have not done things the easy way. I wish there was a group like the Bookkeeping Success Circle that I could have referenced when I was struggling with some of my growth issues. When I first started out I was charging $35.00 an hour for bookkeeping services. I thought when it came to pricing my services I should just use the same rate my competitors were using. I really did not put any thought into my...more
Ihre eigene InteressengruppeIst meine Marketing und Werbung fuer meine Interessengruppe oder die MasseDas Problem mit fast allen kleinen bis mittelstaendischen Firmen ist: Sie machen Marketing und Werbung fuer die breite Masse statt fuer eine Interessengruppe. Das Problem mit fast allen Events, die kleine bis mittelstaendische Firmen machen, ist: Sie machen es auch fuer die breite Masse. Diese Leute kommen ohne Ziel. Es wird irgendetwas praesentiert, es gibt Musik oder eine Fashionshow oder was immer. Aber diese Werbung verpufft oft wirkungslos. Denn die Menschen kamen mehr oder weniger zufaellig zusammen. Sie hatten vor dem Event nichts miteinander zu tun und genauso gehen sie auch wieder auseinander. Aber eine gezielte Eventorganisation ist so gemacht, dass die Menschen nicht zufaellig aufeinander treffen. Gezielte Eventorganisation stellt eine Plattform bereit, eine Art Blog z.B., wo die Menschen zusammen kommen, um vorher und nachher miteinander zu reden und ueber das Event zu reden. Und durch eine Kette von Events erreichen wir, dass Menschen aufeinander treffen, die vorher schon miteinander kommuniziert haben. Sie schliessen Bekanntschaften und Freundschaften, sie erzaehlen...more
Many people like to imagine that their lives will follow a predictable route, much as they might drive a vehicle from one city to another along familiar, high-speed roads to visit an old friend. Most of the time, the imagined life route is anticipated to be fast, safe, successful, and uneventful.By contrast, a route through life often turns out to...more
Whether you plan to start a new online business or want to switch to a new hosting company, there are some crucial elements of hosting to consider. Business hosting must be sufficient in meeting your business needs and dependable so your site will be open to the online public at least 99.9 percent of the time. Here are some features to look for...more
Years ago, I had an office in New York City, right down from Madison Square Garden. My little office was on the fourth floor of a small commercial building. There were several small businesses housed on my floor. My small business neighbor was also my accountant. I'll never forget the words Tony the Accountant said to me one afternoon when he peeked into my office for a chat. He said, "Always ask yourself, what can I do to make money TODAY?"Your Primary Task Each Day: I've gone back to that statement over and over again throughout the years. Sometimes as business owners we get so mired in "running" our business, that we forget to consistently make money at what we're doing. It may sound crazy, but it's true. The bills have to be paid (money going out); the marketing pieces have to be prepared; the uniforms have to be washed; the truck has to be dumped; the equipment has to be repaired; etc.But when you first get up in the morning, running around like a mad person to start your daily business tasks, stop and ask yourself that same question that Tony proposed to me: What can you do to bring in a dollar today in your foreclosure cleanup business? Whatever else you may have on your...more
Sun canopies are used in both commercial and residential environments to provide shade cover for businesses and homes. A wide range of temporary, permanent, and custom shade covers exists. Many businesses prefer temporary shade covers that provide...more
Toronto, Canada - GAO Instruments ( has announced the availability of its compact single fiber fusion splicer specifically designed for single mode fiber, multi-mode fiber, dispersion-shifted fiber (DSF), non-zero...more
When Jim Ballack started his own courier business, he did not have the money to buy an off the shelf PBX system. He was shocked to find that just the installation and setup would cost him in the thousands. Other complications arose as well. His...more
When writing your first business plan (and perhaps what you hope is your only business plan), you will naturally be a bit unsure about how to proceed. Although a wealth of information about business plan writing is available, knowing how to focus...more
Six Sigma training has a ton of great tools and uses for you and your company. Call centers have an amazing purpose when it comes to putting to use those tools and making the best of their problem solving abilities. With call centers, the processes...more
When you are ready to seek private investment in your business, a private placement memorandum may be required by your states law. Even if it is not, this document is highly recommended as it can protect your business from claims of fraud down the...more