No matter how great your products are, you cannot sell them if consumers are unable to find them. Sales agents are those who sell your goods or products on your behalf, whereas distributors buy your products and get your products into stores, restaurants, and more. Sales agents and sales distributors are one of the most effective channels for selling your products to your ultimate customers. An established sales agent or distributor can give an...more
Did you know that....* The Netherlands and Holland are the same place?* One-quarter of Holland is below sea level?* The Dutch are traders by nature - The Netherlands has a variety of experienced importers, sales agents, and distributors well versed in international trade.* Most Dutch people speak a foreign language as well as Dutch?Profile of the NetherlandsForm of government Constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracyHead of state 12...more
What is a Sales Agent?A Sales Agent is a self employed salesperson who works, usually alone, for perhaps several non competing companies. The Sales Agent obtains orders for those companies and is paid commission on those orders.The Sales Agent usually works in a specific area of industry and within geographical limits. It is usual for the Sales Agent to keep his agencies within the same industry. A major advantage is the ability of a Sales Agent to offer his customer a range of products rather than the single product that an employed salesman can offer. How do I become a Sales Agent?You can start tomorrow to become a Sales Agent. You may operate under your own name or you may trade as a business company. It is not necessary to register the company if you do not want to form a limited company. (speak to an accountant on this).If you use a name other than your own in all circumstances you must inform your local Inland Revenue Office that you have commenced trading. Will I make it as a Sales Agent?Most important to makes it as a Sales Agent is that you have some sales experience. It is near impossible to learn to become an effective Sales Agent whilst learning to sell. Selling is...more
In todays highly competitive business environment it has become imperative to have a proper developed sales channel. In Sales Channel development, the European trading services can provide new business opportunities and channels to maximize profitability and growth for your business.Important aspect, which are related to your marketing and sales...more
The Netherlands strategic location, the relative ease of doing business, the high level of proficiency in English, and its world-class and user-friendly transportation and distribution infrastructure make the Netherlands an ideal country for European operations location for foreign companies. The Netherlands is a geographically small, Europes...more
If you plan on expanding your business or starting a business in Europe, then it is vital to understand the financial aspect before setting a business in Europe. New Entrepreneurs as well as the ones who have already entered the European business market need someone to help establish a proper sales development channel. This business development channel helps in locating new business channels in Italy, sales development in Germany, business development in London and many other European countries. Remember, getting into Europe business is all about implementing great marketing techniques. It is imperative that you let people know about your business presence in the European and Netherlands business markets. If you have a proper sales development channel in Europe then your business can survive. Business owners should understand that there are ample of opportunities available in the business market of Europe. However, to get to the heart of Europe business market, they need to develop strategic business development plan and therefore, they need to employ professional firms to handle their business development in Netherlands Europe. European trading services is one such firm that can...more
When you are running a small concern or working for yourself it is essential that you get the best people to work with you. We are usually speaking about the areas of (1) distribution, (2) marketing or (3) people with specific skills or...more
Promotional products are an amazing way to advertise and one that is usually overlooked by smaller companies. A lot of times new business owners will look to mailers and cold calling to help boost their business, but these techniques are a lot less...more
Community General Hospital (a fictitious institution) is a 250-bed hospital located at the periphery of a major metropolitan area. Community General's revenues were flat for the three years ending 2001, and with rising expenses, the hospital's...more
Psychological testing is more common now for companies that are hiring new people. This means you may come across this testing at some point when you apply for a job. This article can help you improve your results and also know what they...more
Think of South India and silk sarees invariably come to mind. The South Indian bride still prefers to wear the traditional silk saree on the occasion of her wedding. With changing times, trends in sarees are also changing. Wholesalers and retailers...more
Adopting a puppy is a big responsibility in one's life. Puppies need your attention, time, energy, love and commitment. One of the first biggest tests of your responsibility as a pet owner is housebreaking. You have to teach your dog to do its...more