To make your business profitable, you must have two critical things in place. The first is a business model that adds up. In other words, what you offer and how you offer it will generate the amount of money you need, minus all your expenses. Your business plan and projected financial statements prove that your plan will take you where you want to go.The second critical thing you must have is a creative marketing strategy that is comprehensive...more
Author: Patrick Fitz-gibbonFor the small entrepreneur, finding small business tips that actually make a difference can be difficult. Too many sources of advice offer indistinct business tips with even more vague instructions as to how to attain those goals. The small business owner has a need for business advice that can be applied effectively. Donald Trump, author of “Art of the Deal” and real estate mogul, has some simple advice of his own...more
Ive seen this ongoing debate debate jump up again recently in several Blogs and message boards and I cant help but laugh. Its not a new debate Ever since the long copy masters of the early 1900s, people have been arguing for or against the practice. As a copywriter and conversion specialist, convincing my clients to test longer copy on their web sites is often a very difficult task. After all, online customers have microscopic attention spans and are always in a hurry to move on. Different visitors have different goals, different personalities and different buying styles. Some visitors will want to read everything you can give them before buying and then they still need more information before they can decide. Others just want to know what are you selling, what does it do for me and how much is it and they want to know it NOW! It may sound like an impossible task to write copy that sells both of them After all if you cut your copy to bone to sell the second visitor, you wont have enough information to persuade the first visitor. And, if you waste the second visitors time by forcing them to read a 20 page sales letter to get to the meat, they will leave. (Fortunately, there is a way...more
Knowing what your ideal clients expect from you is one of the best ways to ensure you keep existing clients and add happy new ones. You want to deliver the programs and services that your clients want and need from you. So it seems obvious then, that you would elicit feedback from them to keep your finger on the pulse of what's important. However,...more
You'd never want to lose out on the benefits of chartering a private jet whether you are going out of town for a business meeting or you want to enjoy a long trip with your family. A private charter is just the right choice for you, and it will help you to get plenty of rest on the way. These type of flights provide you ease to reach your desirable...more
Author: John CornerWhat is Farmville?FarmVille is a real-time sim-farm web-based online game developed by Zynga, available as an application on Facebook. The game allows you to control a virtual farm by planting, growing and harvesting your virtual crops, trees, and livestock. FarmVille has become the most popular game application on Facebook with over 60 million players as of November 2009. It launched in June 2009.Farmville Seeds:You can plant seed in small plots of land by first plowing them. Different plants take different lengths of time to grow, from between two hours to four days. Once the plants are fully grown they can be harvested for coins and sometimes experience points. Crops must be harvested within a certain time limit or they will rot. This time limit is the amount of time it takes for the plant to grow. If you don't harvest the plant within the time limit, the crop will become withered and die, thus giving no coins or experience points to you when harvesting it. Click Here For Farmville Secrets Instant Access Now!Farmville Trees:Trees can be harvested and produce various fruits. Compared to normal crops, fruit from trees does not have a time limit and will not rot...more
There are many facets to making money from forex trading but the one thing that is crystal clear is that you cannot make any money without using ar egistered FX broker.One of the best ways to get the low down on currency brokers is by visiting a...more
There was an article recently published (McSocial Enterprise Franchises Could be the Future, by Chrisanthi Giotis on Social Enterprise Live) that spoke of how social enterprise can learn from the McDonalds business model. It was, of course, referring...more
There are various purposes relying upon the existence of electrical power connectors. The truth is they are important for small battery performance to higher degrees of power grid reliance. It is crucial for these power connectors to have a wide...more
It's no surprise that the world of property investing is in for some bleak times in the nearby future. How far into the near future? Your estimate is as expert as the next person's!The Federal Reserve states that they are noticing a little...more
The main systems served by smart cameras are those that adapt machine vision. The latter is a technology that deals with images thus enabling automated tools to scan a wide array of materials. With the help of a smart camera, the images from the...more
Author: Kevin Blue "After setting up my website, now what?" Launching your website is one thing, getting traffic, or those who will take notice of your site is another. So what's next for you? When you launch your website, you won't see your...more