Tip (1) Find our as much as you can about the company before you get there. The internet is a massively useful resource. Company accounts, news items, company newsletters, reports, etc. can be a very useful talking point. Take spare copies of application forms, CVs and any other papers that you may find useful with you. If the interviewer has lost your CV it will give you massive brownie points to save the interviewers blushes.Tip (2) Get there...more
Business plan consultants can offer you the help you need to create a winning business plan. A winning business plan, in this sense, means a plan that creates no barriers to you getting funded and also gives you a valuable management tool for the business going forward. Expertise on What Funders WantHaving gone through the process before, consultants know what funders (and specific types of funders) will look for in the plan, and can offer...more
An email has different parts: the subject, salutation, signature and of course, the body. All of these parts are important but you may need to spend more time preparing the body of your email.In order for you to receive a positive response, the message should be clear and written with conviction. Below are some email marketing ideas on how to write a direct and diplomatic letter:State Your Purpose.What is the purpose of your letter? Always remember and focus on the reason why you are writing the email.You can only come up with an interesting and meaningful content when you perfectly know what your main goal is.Business owners or online marketers have a few reasons why they are sending out emails. Some of these reasons are as follows:- To give information regarding the company, product or services- To ask details from the recipient that is needed for the processing or shipping of orders.- To invite the recipient to take actionOnce you are sure and decided on what your email is all about, then that is the time to start composing your message.Be Direct!Most people find it annoying to receive emails that contain too many information that are not relevant. First, it takes up their...more
A sample construction business plan or a template for such a business plan can be an incredible timesaver as you set out to write. However, there are a number of areas which must be specifically customized for your purposes. Industry AnalysisThe construction industry is extremely broad and, beyond a short introduction, writing at length about the...more
If you are a businessperson thinking of selling your company, the business broker you decide to work with is an important decision to make. Your relationship with this professional may last several months so it is important that you choose wisely. This article will go over some of the main criteria to think about before you finally select the...more
Setting clear intentions for your business is the opportunity to take full responsibility for creating your business the way you really want it to be. When you set an intention, you first get very clear about your desire, and then you ask for guidance by being willing to partner with the divine without a sense of entitlement or demand. Then the energy of your desire is speeded up, because you've actively embraced your ability to solve any problem that comes your way. Think of it this way: Intention = Desire + Asking For Guidance = Speeded Up Energy = ManifestationIt is an activation of a supreme confidence that you will put the right energy into your actions and into the resolution of any problem. Getting very clear about what your intention is keeps you on a focused path and your energy running clean. It helps you to stay away from the "I should", "I ought to, "I have to" or other fears and doubts that may creep in when making business decisions.You want intentions to be at the forefront of every move you make in your business.Inner Intentions:Setting an inner intention for yourself allows you to get clear about how you want to feel, what energy you want to activate. Your desired...more
Pay-Per-Click - PPC PPC marketing is a love it or hate platform. For the love it crowd, PPC marketing is a way to get instant exposure and feedback on site designs. In a matter of minutes, you can start receiving traffic and adjusting your site to...more
Cash gifting is so simple. Lets all get honest here, none of us want to work, but to one extent or another, it is a necessary evil. So why shouldn't we make it as simple and as productive as we possibly can? Cash gifting is by far probably the...more
What is the primary objective? This is the number one question. Once you fully understand what a cash gifting program is, you then need to determine what each program defines as their primary focus. If all they go over is the money, turn around...more
Since 1860 TAG Heuer has been making luxury watches, specifically sporty looking chronographs, but lately it seems as though this Swiss company is making more luxury cellular phones than it is men's and women's watches.In September of this year TAG...more
In these harsh economic times, many companies and corporations are struggling to find ways to cut operating expenses and stay in business. Many may find it difficult to participate in the whole gift-giving festivities of the upcoming Holiday Season...more
An interview with Markus Harris, the Director of Communications for the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, gives us good insight into what propels one to buy a watch and what kinds of watches are hot right now.At the time of the...more