School fundraiser ideas run from the madcap 'Arrest a school mate" and a "No women allowed beauty contest", which both sound like they would cause alot of laughs, to the more familiar like Raffle tickets and Candy sales. Each has their strenths and weaknesses. A School fair might seem like fun and a useful way to produce some dough, but the time and exertion put into doing it up correctly, make it a daunting task for even a seasoned fundraiser....more
Every business owner, even the really successful ones have been guilty of making mistakes in their business. The difference between the truly successful ones and those that aren't are that they learn from their mistakes and are not afraid to take the risks to deploy strategies to take their business to the next level. Here are nine strategies for you to start using in your business today.1. Don't Work Without A PlanYou wouldn't take a vacation...more
Very few vending companies know how to plan and then design their vending-machine-route trucks, it is a monkey see, monkey do vending world when it comes to this subject. If you are in the vending route business and you understand how to design a proper route vending-truck, let me congratulate you right now.Some Questions To Ask Yourself On This SubjectWas your truck's suspension designed for vending?What are your out of pocket expenses annually for your vending route trucks upkeep?Have you taken a close look at those repairs?Does your route drivers look forward to driving their route vending-truck?How much added time does it take for your vending route drivers to pull each locations inventory?Do your drivers experience constant injuries that are related to their vending route truck?Have any of your drivers applied for workers compensations?One of the most-common problems vending machine companies face with their vending route trucks is vehicle-suspension problems; off the showroom-floor-trucks are not designed to take this kind of daily-abuse.Vending machine providers always stack cold beverages on one side or the other and then their-snacks on the opposite side of the...more
If you want to get a sense of how you act in your business, go catch a wave! How you tackle surfing is a good indicator as to how you tackle bringing in new business.I saw what a great lens a surfer's habits can be while I was watching a long line of surfer dudes at Ho'okipa Beach Park on Maui. Surfers have to be prepared if they want to...more
On October 4th I was asked to speak at the 33rd Annual ASAPS conference on dealing with the Global Financial Crises, the effects if it continues and when it ends the influx of patients wanting services.ASAPS is a combined New Zealand and Australian Specialist Plastic Surgery Society whose primary function is the promotion of...more
Accomplishments are an important part of your resume. They set you apart from your competition and give potential employers a reason to consider you above others with similar qualifications. Most people, however, find it difficult to write resume achievements. What exactly constitutes an accomplishment? Simply put, an accomplishment is an example of how you solved a workplace challenge and what it meant to your employer. Everyone faces problems on the job, especially now given our difficult economic times. You can make those challenges work for you with this three-step method for turning challenges into achievements.1. Identify significant challenges. Think back through your career to the times when your company, team or division faced difficult situations that had a potential negative effect on bottom-line corporate issues. Start back through your earlier years of employment. Write a list and be specific about why the issue was a problem. What was at stake? Who were the stake holders? Why was the issue critical? How much of the organization was effected by the challenge? If you take a systematic approach you should be able to identify a challenge for every few years of...more
What is a "use by" date? Other than a stamp on your milk carton or that dusty jar hidden at the back of the cupboard telling you when to throw it out?While doing some research about executives holding their position I happened upon a...more
Since 2007 the green/clean/sustainable economy now has more form, though the policy cornerstones are still being defined. Funding from the venture capital community and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is providing stimulus to a number of...more
A limousine is one special type of vehicle that many people will hire when they are looking to make an occasion even more special. Whether it is a lifetime special event like a wedding or a graduation, or whether you are simply looking to make a...more
In the process of writing a business plan the section called operating plan helps describe the physical necessities of the operation of a business such as the physical location of the business and facilities and equipment. Depending on the different...more
For a fabulous vacation experience, consider staying in Barcelona holiday apartments. You can rent these apartments for days Barcelona and stay right in the heart of the city. In a holiday apartment, you will be living among the people of the city...more
A vacation isn't much fun if you have to stress over how you can afford it. These days, many people don't have much extra to spend on vacations. The answer may be to rethink your vacation strategy. Instead of staying at a resort or hotel, consider...more