Having the right guidance and being able to use foreclosure profit finder will help you tap into one of the most money-making areas of investing in real estate. Real estate has made more normal people rich than any other industry in the world. The possibility to make substantial amounts of money and really change your life is real, but what is the first step to get started? What if you don't have any cash to invest and maybe your...more
Tomatoes are in my opinion the best fruit vegetable there is. Cherry tomatoes with their sweet and tangy taste can be eaten whole. As they are small in size you can just pop them in your mouth. Tomatoes give salads a dash of red color. Pasta and pizza are made even tastier with fresh tomato sauce poured over them. And these are just some of the benefits you will get from tomato gardening.While tomatoes come in many different shapes, sizes and...more
The individual is the basic human unit in the workplace. Right? No; wrong. The team is. I know that we've spent decades focussed on individual performance. But no matter how good the individual employee is, he or she needs others' support to succeed ot work. You won't read or hear too much about this from the gurus. But that doesn't mean it isn't the reality.The Great Heresy. The individual employee, no matter how clever or skilful, can't achieve much within a business by acting alone. We've been taught for decades that the individual is the basic human unit in the workplace. That's The Great Heresy. The basic human unit in the workplace is the group or team. That's the big secret.You Can't Build Teams. Because the team or group is the basic unit, it simply exists. It can't be built. You're stuck with whom you've got. They're the people whose performance you're charged to develop. Forget individuals and team building. Concentrate on developing effective teams.Team Goals Supersede Individual Goals. There's little value in having the best car salesman in the country if your overall car sales team doesn't meet budget. If the best player in the sports team you support is voted Most...more
The recession has taken a major toll on industries and economies worldwide. Any signs of it calling it a day are bleak, particularly since any ravaged sector needs to revive itself gradually. It cannot happen overnight. But then again, some people believe that their economic woes could be solved by thinking as an entrepreneur, that...more
There has never been anything like the internet in terms of what it offers and the opportunities you can gain from it. Welcome to the expanding age of e-commerce. The market continues to expand and shows no signs of slowing down either. It is estimated that in excess of five billion dollars changes hands each year via the net. There are so many...more
Most popular investment books are published for the already rich and famous, by an industry that has become just too good at the business of selling books. Rarely will a publisher take a chance with the work of an unknown author. Certainly, it's a no brainer to sell a Jim Cramer, Peter Lynch, Robert Kiyosaki, or Maria Bartiromo effort while a uniquely new approach to solving the puzzles of Wall Street, presented by an unknown writer or commentator, requires some major financial risk. Big publishers want to sell already big names; discovering new ones is not in their wheelhouse. Are they responsible for the problems in the financial markets? Of course not, but they do have a perverse, if indirect, impact. By constantly publishing the same Wall Street friendly message, they contribute to the brainwashing.Without a wider distribution of new ideas based on old wisdom, Wall Street as usual remains Wall Street as usual and the average investor remains uninformed and ill advised about the dangers of the financial markets. The biggest investment mistake generators are cleverly ignored by most of the books I've read about investing--- even compounded.The new generation focus on calendar...more
When businesses think about organization they usually think about placement and how things look. Organization is so much more than that. It is a common misconception that if you are neat you are organized. The two are NOT synonymous.Being neat...more
The truth is both business mentors and business coaches are great options if you're looking for business help.They both serve different purposes, however, A business coach makes clients focus on the results of the job, and extends the time span of...more
One of the most powerful methods of making money online is to post your content or article on various content sharing sites. And one of the best content sharing sites on the internet that gets weighed heavily by the search engines is HubPages.What is...more
There's a new "secret" that a lucky few have already found that's enabling them to literally buy houses that ordinarily sell for around $1 Million or more - but now for just $1,997 or LESS! There are 3,141 counties in the United...more
Are you an enthusiast or expert on a certain subject? Are you willing to share your knowledge to the world? How about making money online while sharing your passion to the world? Squidoo makes all this possible. In this article, you will discover...more
Countries that are small geographically with high populations are well-known for their creative transportation. Vietnam, for example, has more than 70 million inhabitants in just 127.5 square miles. The most popular modes of transportation there are...more