This company profile is a premium company information product offering an unmatched depth and breadth of content. It analyzes the strategic positioning of the company - how the company has evolved and how it has been performing over the years.Sectional Highlights* Structure of the organization, partnerships, mergers & acquisitions and recent developments have been examined* Business segments of the company have been explored alongwith analysis of...more
Yes it is really possible for you to make an extra income online to supliment your income or even overtake your present income. Are you living from payday to payday. And with the economy in recession, are you worried about your job. Do you get payed enough for your needs. Most of us are struggling, others have two jobs, or work extra shifts. A great many have no job. But that dosen't have to be you. Let me ask this , if you want to learn to...more
As a non-renewable resource, yellow phosphorus has been attracting more and more attention. As the yellow phosphorus production base in the world, China has played an important role in the world market.Since the fourth quarter of 2008, global financial crisis has greatly impacted Chinas economy. Faced with this crisis, China has released some policies on yellow phosphorus industry.CCM conducts a report to reveal the changes in yellow phosphorus industry in Q1 2009, with emphasis on export situation of yellow phosphorus in China.In this report, you will find the answers to the following questions: What is the yellow phosphorus production situation by the end of Q1 2009? What policies are released by Chinese government in 2008-Q1 2009 and how will they influence Chinas yellow phosphorus industry? What is the performance of yellow phosphorus export in China in 2008-Q1 2009? What is the future prospect of yellow phosphorus export in China? Table of Contents : SummaryI IntroductionII General situation of yellow phosphorus in ChinaIII Export analysis of yellow phosphorus in China, Jan.2008Mar. 2009IV ConclusionLIST OF TABLESTable II-1 Major yellow phosphorus manufacturers in China,...more
Women's Reproductive Disorders Therapeutics 2008-2018Women's Reproductive Disorders TherapeuticsIt predicts that there is great potential for the womens reproductive disorders therapeutics market from present onwards, as this new report Womens Reproductive Disorders Therapeutics, 2008-2018 shows.Oral Contraceptive MarketThe systemic hormonal...more
Undersea Warfare Systems 2009Brand new unique insight into the full-spectrum of research, development, test and evaluation, engineering and fleet support centre for submarines, autonomous underwater systems, and offensive and defensive weapons systems associated with undersea warfare. Are you fully informed? No organisation with an interest in the...more
UMTS 900 successfully delivering 3G in low-frequency bandsUMTS is now a firmly established technology. It is gaining mass market adoption, with DoCoMo admitting to having over 40 million 3G subs, and other markets also gaining a higher 3G penetration. As GSM is phased out UMTS will become the dominant standard. Europe's CEPT has given a EC-wide clearance for the roll-out of UMTS900 in its 47 member states. UMTS 900 will offer two major advantages:1) Indoor coverage is improved in urban areas2) Cheaper deployment in rural areas - UMTS900 will give the mobile network operators the opportunity to use larger cells (typical cell radius 2.5 km). This larger cell is especially usefull in rural areas where there is less demand for services. The report aims to provide an insight on the business aspects of emerging UMTS900. It details all the aspects related to the emergence, development and subsequent adoption of this new technology around the world. Specifically, the report discusses technical issues, regulatory aspects in addition to the multiple but inter-connected strategies being employed by the infrastructure vendors, operators and the handset manufacturers. - ...more
UK e-Retail 2010IntroductionAs competition intensifies and growth becomes elusive, succeeding online is getting harder. By combining comprehensive data on the online shopping habits of over 8,000 consumers, detailed forecasting, a thorough analysis...more
2009 Top Travel Industry Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) & Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) Vendors, Black Book 2009 Survey ResultsIn 2009, the Black Book BPO Travel Industry user survey investigates over 240 contracts held by 1320 of the...more
ThyssenKrupp AG - SWOT AnalysisThyssenKrupp - SWOT Analysis company profile is the essential source for top-level company data and information. ThyssenKrupp - SWOT Analysis examines the companys key business structure and operations, history and...more
The Pharmaceutical Wholesale and Distribution Industry Outlook & Analysis 2008 Jun 2008 The major problem facing the Wholesale & Distribution industry is its low profit margin which is in the region of only 1-2%. However, this market is entering into...more
Glufosinate is a superactive herbicide used for control of a wide range of weeds and grasses. Also, it can kill some swart weeds that glyphosate can't.At present, Bayer dominates both technology and market of glufosinate worldwide. Currently it has...more
Successful Brand Enhancement Through Packaging: Best practice in leveraging unique brand attributes and innovative productsIn mature markets the importance of packaging design in contributing to brand communication and appeal (on-shelf, in-store) is...more