Many individuals are carrying multiple debts which result to multiple payments a month. This also means that they are handling several interests coming from different debt. Piling up the interests, these individuals really are paying a lot higher making debt reduction far more impossible. That is why many can really no longer afford to pay with such big interests when put together. A lot are getting depressed while a few really have given up the...more
Today it is becoming more and more common for people to find themselves in financial trouble, with an ever-increasing amount of debt. There are many reasons for this, and it does not always mean the individual was irresponsible. Debt can be caused by loss of work, medical expenses, increased interest rates, higher costs of living and more. If you find yourself in this position, it can be hard to know what to do in order to get back on your feet...more
In December of 2007 the Department of Defense (DoD) issued its revised Standard Practice Identification System for Marking of US Military Property commonly referred to as mil std 130, applicable to all suppliers of items to the DoD. It had been estimated at one point that the military had lost over $2 billion because of inadequate inventory control. Mil std 130 mandates that suppliers mark each and every item with a unique identification system or uid . The uid is basically a two-dimensional matrix bar code that must include a serial number, a part number and a CAGE code (Commercial and Government Entity Code), In addition, the uid has to include the supplier's Personal Identification Number (PIN), as well as the purchase order number, and contract number. Mil std 129 Outlines DoD uid Standards for Shipping Containers. To further streamline the process, the DoD also requires that the shipping containers be marked with a code and these requirements are outlined in MIL STD129. These markings simplify the work of military personnel in managing inventory. According to mil std 129 , shipping containers can be categorized into three types, unit containers, intermediate containers and...more
The thought of having a portable audio player goes back many years ago, when the option then would be a pretty big cassette-tape-playing two-speaker sound system. Ultimately these devices became more compact and back in the late seventies a hand size cassette-tape audio player was made available. Today as electronics evolved along with the mp3...more
Can you relate to the following statement a client once shared with us: 'Getting working capital financing for my orders and contracts actually is harder than getting the order itself? '.Your firm has the order and contract, now you just need to fulfill it to complete the job and get paid of course. It is the working capital and cash flow that...more
So, you no longer check your mail for fear of another past due notice. You no longer answer the phone because odds are it will just be another bill collector. You can't even make the minimum payments on your cards, and they won't let you take out another account. There's no getting around it – you have a debt problem. Fortunately, a few different debt relief options have taken hold in recent years that can provide assistance to seemingly insurmountable financial burdens. Here's a brief description of some of the more popular alternatives.Consumer credit counseling programs Most people are at least aware of the consumer credit counseling alternative thanks to their many advertisements in magazines, television and radio. In essence, as the commercials explain, a counselor takes charge of the debtor client's finances and speaks with each individual creditor (generally credit card companies) about the possibility of lowering interest rates and waiving past fees. It certainly makes tackling overall debt loads more manageable – and, with the reduced interest rates, makes it less likely that debts will continue to grow. Also, counselors are intended to...more
The motto is usually "Buy your corporate gifts at Lemondo - The professional gift." A second hand shop, the purchase of gifts. In this article we will look at how important procurement side, in order to operate a business, a gift...more
Having searched the internet for voice broadcasting or for auto dialer services odds are you have seen call fires website. Yes, they spend quite a lot of money on promotion and yes they are priced high in contrast to other vendors like PennyDials....more
The financial crisis of the past two years has hit many households where it hurts most - the wallet. Money has become tight and for an unfortunate many jobs have disappeared. Making ends meet these days has become a challenge. If your...more
The world of personal finances comes complete with an insurmountable number of decisions, strategies, and plans. To most people, it is also confusing, unknown, and scary. Unfortunately, in the real world, one cannot simply pull the...more
Dealing with debts can be difficult, especially when (like most people) you've got a whole host of other expenses to cover each month. So, if you are wanting to clear your debts - what could you do? Here, we take a look at how you could start...more
As a business owner, you realize that it is important to cut costs wherever you are able to, so that your profit numbers will be the absolute best each quarter. In case you have been paying attention to international trends in the retail...more