Companies who sell consumables and supplies continue to thrive as long as they stay competitive in their own markets, this includes industries such as petrol & chemical suppliers, supermarkets and office supplies retailers. Companies in competitive markets that have previously enjoyed over-inflated profit margins, such as high-end clothing, will need to adjust their expectations for consumer spending in order to survive.The Debt Crisis -...more
Find more information : Case for Debt Repudiation and why it is a Good Idea By: financialpolicy About the Author (ArticlesBase SC #3568208) Article Source: - The Case for Debt Repudiation and why it is a Good Idea more
Through the recent fiscal crisis, it has become increasingly obvious to the average individual that money can be and has been generated out of thin air. Even though the complexity of the Federal Reserve and central banks all over the world is beyond the scope of this article, it is important to obtain an basic snapshot of what money is.Our Currency is DebtIn a speech in the Senate in 1833, Daniel Webster stated, We are in danger of being overwhelmed with irredeemable paper, mere paper, representing not gold nor silver; no sir, representing nothing but broken promises, bad faith, bankrupt corporations, cheated creditors and a ruined people.All types of paper money are pieces of debt. They are obligations of each issuing entity to make good on a guarantee to repay. As an example, The Federal Reserve, which is a private entity, prints money or issues digital currency that it then lends to the U.S. government. This is required to be repaid with interest. Not many people understand this connection between the Federal Reserve and the government. Saying the government is printing more money is a misguided assertion. As each new stimulus or bailout is signed into being, the debt related to...more
Canvas Prints - Custom Wall Furnishings have never been Easier to PurchaseWith the advent of web 2.0, companies such as ArtCreations4U have developed highly technical online platforms that enable the customer to create and completely customise their home wall furnishings, whether they are canvas prints, perspex prints or the ArtCreations4U new...more
A debt settlement agreement will help you overcome present past and future problems relating to your finances. Read ahead and find out how.As far as past problems are concerned, you can completely avoid the responsibility or obligation of repaying your old debts in full. This is a very big advantage because many persons continue to suffer from the...more
Regardless of how bad a consumers debt is, they have a handful of options in order to reach their ultimate goal, a debt free life. To be released from your debt, you will have to consider two important aspects, the amount of debt and the type of debt in order to carefully sketch out your plan the best way that will best suit you.To receive professional free counseling, simply fill out our form and we will help you choose the most appropriate option to become debt free in the shortest amount of time.The following are several ways to achieve debt solution:● Self Repayment Plan● Debt Settlement● Debt Consolidation● Debt Consolidation Loan● Credit Counseling● Credit Union● Home Equity Loans● Insurance● Credit Cards● Bankruptcy (leave it as last resort)Self Repayment PlanStarting this type of plan will need a lot of control from the debtor and also a great ability to restrain yourself from any unnecessary expenses. Budgeting is going to be a very important tool during this process, because it will allow you to control your expenses.This plan will let you do everything on your own without the help of a consolidation program. You can also set an automatic payment with...more
If you are up to your neck in debt and wondering just how you are going to handle it all, there is no need to be discouraged. There is a way for you to quickly climb out of your miserable pit of debt. Fast settlement of your financial obligations may...more
In many cases human nature is expressed as impulse before thought or in economic terms buy now, pay later. The character of deferred payment is complicated by convenience of credit cards, loans and mortgages. In every case the economic theory is...more
It can be a challenge today to not spending money when others around you are driving expensive cars and living in your dream home. A result of this due to the availability of credit today is that individuals forget amidst their spending that the...more
The holiday shopping season is almost over. Sales are down a bit this year, and with good reason. Most people have less money to spend, and less confidence on receiving a boost in their income anytime soon. Consumers however, are still heading to the...more
Thousands of consumers owe more money than they should. The amount of money held by Individuals isn't really a surprise; nobody puts away money anymore. A great deal of the astonishing debt in the U.S. is tied up in credit card balances. Credit card...more
Not sure how to get out of debt? Here are a few easy tips you can follow to get the best results in the shortest time.Incurring debt is easy, but managing debt is not. It requires financial discipline and knowledge of debt reduction solutions to do...more