Get Rid of Bad Debt With less than a month to go before the New Year we continue last week's theme – how do we get in good financial shape for 2011 and what tips should we follow to help us get there? A week ago we talked about the importance of budgeting. This week we ask what is more important – to save or to clear debts?As with most things in life it is best to start with a full and realistic audit of your financial position. Most...more
Debts piling up? Afraid you may have to declare bankruptcy to get away from the burden? Fortunately, there are healthier alternatives to your sanity and your credit rating. An Individual Voluntary Arrangement, or IVA, has many advantages that can help you get out of debt while also maintaining your reputation and your credibility as a business person. In short, it is a smarter way of fighting debt. Why is it smarter? Because it furnishes to you a...more
Understanding the Psychological Effects of Debts Stress is a common term that all people are familiar with. According to psychological researches, one of the biggest causes of stress is financial worry. This is not surprising, considering the waning value of the dollar plus the emergency financial situations. Almost all Americans own a credit card. Credit card loans fall under the category of unsecured loans and cash advance loans. The mere possession of a credit card triggers a person to debt. Thus, accumulating a cash advance loan is accumulating a debt. And when debt is incurred, stress is incurred as well. Financial surveys proved that financial troubles like unpaid debts and bankruptcy are the root causes of stress no matter how big or small the amount is. Cash advance loans relieve us from stress caused by an emergency and unexpected financial crisis, but the relief is momentary. In the long run, cash advance loans, since they are a form of debt, causes negative psychological effects to people. Some of these effects are anxiety, depression, strained relationships, ill-temper, self-loathe, and mid-life crisis. Anxiety results when one starts to worry on where to...more
Common Drawbacks in Eliminating Debt At a certain point in everybody's life, borrowing money seems to be the easiest way out of an emergency financial crisis. Loans can be a great help in sustaining major financial concerns like education, vehicle, or home purchases. Applying for a loan is easier when one has work and paydays to look...more
Eliminate Unsecured Debts - Ways to Get Out Of Debt Easily and Quickly When consumers are no longer capable of buying the government must be alarmed. Government spending, investments and other factors in a national economy will grind to a halt when consumers stop buying at levels that make everyone collect a healthy profit at the end of the...more
For most people, it happens quickly: One day, they're efficiently managing their finances, and seemingly the next, they're drowning in debt that they simply cannot afford to repay. Does this sound familiar to you?For people who find themselves with unmanageable debt, the reality is scary and uncertain. But through efficient debt management, as well as the help of their lenders, individuals can regain control of their finances and settle their debt over time.Steps to follow when dealing with debtThe first and most important step is to speak to you lender, and be frank about your current situation. Never ignore the problem - it will only get worse! Also, try not to wait until your debt is in arrears, or until there are judgements or defaults against your name. However, if this is the case, it will still be possible to reconcile your situation with your lender(s).Contact all the individuals or companies to whom you owe money, and try to come to an agreement with them about repayments. Most lenders will try to make a workable arrangement to help you settle your debt. Facing the problem head-on in this manner will make it easier to solve issue, and will prove to your creditors that...more
After leaving my office on a Friday night, I went down to an eating place in order to meet with two or three friends. During that meeting, a couple of my friends made comment on how I had been starting to show my age. Even though they were like...more
Shopping addict is someone who is suffering from shopping addiction. Such people love to go for shopping, and they spend a lot on the shopping. It is important to adopt the habits of saving, and spending habits should be within limits, just as,...more
This article explains how to make amazing online purchase. It covers the following information: choosing an object, learning how to find an appropriate store, and choosing the right item.The information in this article is written for either the...more
Debt Solution - Financially Attractive Debt Solutions Offered by President Obama According to a 2009 report, around 78% American families possessed at least one credit card by the fall of 2008. The report stated that the total credit card debt...more
Obama's Special Grants to Throw Away Debts of US People Many US people are trying to start and possess their own businesses. They used to decide whether to buy a house or to continue their university education with their money. There are...more
Free Grant Money - President Obama Awards Grant Money to Relieve You of Debt Are you struggling to pay your monthly bills? You might even have taken another job. No matter how you try to address this issue, it is just not possible to make ends...more