If it is difficult for you to solve your emergency financial problems, here are emergency loans today for you. These loans as its name defines are instant financial supporter that offer hassle free cash right away. When emergency pops up in your life and your pockets are empty, you may get perplexed and think of what to do now. But with the introduction of these loans, you need not have to worry as it provides one shot financial aid to the needy...more
Today, it is common to see most banks offering their version of a mobile banking solution. However, what sets the great banks apart from those simply trying to capture a small slice of an opportunity comes down to the makeup of the application and the market being targeted. A prime example is Citi Singapore and Standard Chartered Bank, a leader in the industry within Asia. Although the mobile banking solution offered by Citi...more
While the economic downturn continues to dampen consumer confidence as we move into the next decade, expensive items are still out of bounds for many of us. The need to replace broken watches has been put alongside 'new TV' and 'new sofa' at the bottom of many people's list of spending priorities. In these continually uncertain times, far more important investments include rent arrears, credit card repayments and school fees. However, you don't have to break the bank to buy a new timepiece and, despite tough times, your punctuality should not be sacrificed - especially with many trigger-happy employers looking for the slightest excuse to cut their workforce.If you are on a budget, there are still options available for you to pick up a reliable watch which won't leave you out of pocket. As part of a series of articles, Hot Watches have taken a look at the best watches under US$50, with the first brand to come under our radar being Timex. Now the following factoid may or may not be a good thing Timex's drive to snare new customers, depending on the strength of your political persuasion.But, while his Russian counterpart President Putin wore a US$60,000 watch, former US President...more
It is popular these days to look for homes that have low interest rates and prices because the economy has lowered the prices of homes as of late. Home prices are dropping because the economy has gone sour due to the many people who took out home loans but were not able to pay them back. People who are shopping now can benefit from finding these...more
Anyone who has looked at tuition prices lately knows how expensive college can be, whether a student carries a full course load or not. Not only can they spend hundreds of dollars per course unit, there's also the added expense of books, student services, medical expenses and lab fees. More students are applying for a college student...more
In most provinces across Canada consumers looking for the best mortgage have turned to the advice of a qualified mortgage broker. The services these brokers offer can save you tens of thousands of dollars. The reason these professionals are so effective is because they belong to a mortgage broker association which ensures that anyone performing the services of a broker are well versed in all the requirements.Some people are under the impression that all mortgage brokers are equal when nothing could be further from the truth. In British Columbia for example when you speak with a broker you need to ask if they are a broker or a mortgage agent. The association allows brokers to have associates who have the academic skills necessary for processing mortgages but lack the practical experience. Since the only way to get practical experience is to do the actual work so the association has made it allowable for these mortgage agents under the close supervision of a mortgage broker to offer the service of mortgage lending acquisition in British Columbia.Everyone who is a member of the mortgage broker association must work on continued education to keep abreast of the current rules and...more
Going by the rising inflation and the expenses that you incur, on a day to day basis, it is unlikely that you will never face monetary problem. Even if you face problems, there are ways through which you can overcome the problems. However, due to the...more
The Loan payment protection can be a very valuable product to have in your corner if you are in full time work, you meet the criteria set out in the policy and you have monthly loan repayments to make each month. However the cover can...more
Mortgage rates dipped to another new low this week - 4.42 percent on a 30-year loan. That's the lowest since Freddie Mac has got since 1971. So, yes, if you are thinking of mortgage refinancing, this is the right time. Rates may go...more
You are considering finance for home improvements, debt consolidation, a holiday home, a car - you name it the question always pops up - which way is going to be the cheapest way to finance. Should I use a credit card, personal loan,...more
Should I refinance my mortgage loan? This is the prime question in the mind of many people who want to go for a home mortgage refinance loan. Though the Federal Reserve is no more in the mortgage scenario, and the economy is getting...more
You are ready to buy a home. You need some good advice to make sure you get the best deal. You may be wondering if it might be a good idea to hire mortgage brokers to help you out. In some situations, they may well be worth the money you pay them.The...more