Earths temperatures are rising and there is no indication that this problem is slowing down. The people who live on this earth and the wildlife that inhabits our oceans are all vulnerable to the effects of global warming. The problems of litter and pollution are major factors in why the world is going through this change. The major fact that we are overlooking is that the production and waste of plastic bags is contributing to pollution and...more
Purchasing A Used Treadmill Today Try a used treadmill before you buy! Try it again before the buy! Think again, list all the negative points, why you should not buy this particular treadmill, and then finally decide whether to buy it or not!Before that, are you psychologically ready to buy a second hand product- the one used by others? This issue is very important. Hundreds of people are going to ask you this in the future, why you bought...more
SummaryThe nuclear industry plays a vital role in global power generation. While the demand for nuclear power generation has been growing worldwide, concerns about supply of critical nuclear equipment is one of the key areas which supports the growth of the nuclear industry. The new report from GlobalData on Global Nuclear Feed Water Heater Market Analysis and Forecasts to 2020 provides in-depth analysis and forecast of Nuclear Feed Water Heater demand growth trajectory. As the reemergence of nuclear industry in the global energy arena indicates a significant growth of nuclear power, forecasting the demand for various critical equipment components is critical to industry growth in order to ensure timely supply of nuclear equipment and related services. The nuclear power industry will evince increasing demand for critical equipments such as Nuclear Feed Water Heater to help sustain the industry growth and hence the demand for nuclear power.ScopeThe report analyses market opportunities and challenges for the nuclear equipment makers in the global arena.- Analysis of the growth of the global nuclear industry and the estimated demand for low pressure and high pressure feed water...more
What is the Global Positioning Satellite device or GPS? The GPS system is managed by the U.S. Department of Defense and connects between 24 and 32 satellites that form a "constellation" in medium Earth orbit. This corresponds to a distance of at least 20,000 km above the earth's surface, a lower altitude than the satellites (TV, telephony...more
Global Nuclear Turbine Generator Market Analysis and Forecasts to 2015SummaryGlobal Nuclear Turbine Generator Market Analysis and Forecasts to 2015 is the latest report . The report covers global nuclear power industry development, its growth trajectory and the demand for steam turbines and generator equipment in the global nuclear market. It...more
Automotive: Global Industry Guide is an essential resource for top-level data and analysis covering the Global Automotive industry. It includes detailed data on market size and segmentation, textual analysis of the key trends and competitive landscape, and profiles of the leading companies. This incisive report provides expert analysis with distinct chapters for Auto Components, Light trucks, Medium & Heavy Trucks, Motorcycles and New CarsScope of the ReportContains an executive summary and data on value, volume and segmentation for Auto Components, Light trucks, Medium & Heavy Trucks, Motorcycles and New CarsProvides textual analysis of the industry's prospects, competitive landscape and profiles of the leading companiesIncorporates in-depth five forces competitive environment analysis and scorecardsIncludes five-year forecasts for Auto Components, Light trucks, Medium & Heavy Trucks, Motorcycles and New CarsHighlightsThe auto component industry generated total revenues of $625.2 billion in 2008, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.8% for the period spanning 2004-2008.The global light trucks market generated total revenues of $216.4 billion in 2008, representing...more
The Global Green Initiative The Earth Charter is an international declaration of fundamental values for building a sustainable society. Humanity is called upon to create a global partnership to protect the Environment, human rights, human...more
Global Usage of ATM's Though there are no definitive statistics detailing the exact number of ATM's in the world, it is fair to say that they have become an almost universal addition to any cityscape, landscape, and in some cases,...more
Text message advertising is just like it sounds: Advertisers can now blast their advertisements, special offers, and coupons to their audience and customer base. It's just like getting coupons in the mail. Except now you'll be getting them on your...more
Purchasing a Static Caravan You want a static caravan, but before you can enjoy it you need to buy one. That process can take the joy out of owning one even before you step foot in it. Then it is a good idea to learn about how to purchase this...more
Juggling Your International Shipping Options With Ocean Freight Companies There are many different things that go into even the simplest of international shipments. Chances are that if you have ever shipped anything internationally, or if you...more
What A Shipping Logistics Company Can Do For Your Shipment Operations Chances are that if you have a large shipment of commercial goods, high art, personal belongings or just about anything else, that you have become entirely overwhelmed at...more