Most parents think that "funding for education" means "saving for college" - that they are identical. They see the two goals of saving for retirement and planning for college as mutually exclusive and so they continually defer planning for funds for college. The result: Most parents - regardless of income - inefficiently prepare and pay for college, thus overpaying and needlessly diverting thousands of dollars from their retirement savings. The...more
Funds for college and Tuition Reduction Strategies are our #1 focus at College Funding Resources. With over 40 yrs. of combined financial consulting experience, we've recognize that most parents are just not prepared for the rising cost of funding for college education. Even with high gas prices, corporate downsizing, and rising economic fears we have "The Ultimate Solution" for today's college planning needs.Many parents are wondering how they...more
There is never a wrong time to talk about making money and gaining wealth without making enemies. Occasions, such as Christmas, provide a special reason. The best example is Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol."If you have not read the book I am sure you must have seen a version of a TV movie or even a cartoon about the story of a stingy businessman named Ebenezer Scrooge. On Christmas Eve, he was visited by four ghosts. Afterward, he became more generous and charitableWhen anyone starts making money and strikes "gold" and gets rich, the chances are he develops enemies around him. One reason for this could be the manner in which he obtained the wealth or it could simply be because people are jealous of his good fortune. This begs the question whether it is possible to obtain wealth without making enemies. The answer to this question is "YES".Every person wants to have more money. However, here's the dilemma: when we start making money, we are prone to have more power. That's true.This increase in power can result in making enemies. If you don't want enemies, but you want money, below are some of the things that you can do.It can be very challenging however it is all...more
The most exhaustive, time consuming as well as vital facet of the business is known to be accounting. No matter the business is on a small or a large scale, it requires the assistance of accounting. Accounting is a job which demands expertise and proficiency. The person who is given the responsibility to handle the accounts should be dependable....more
Any kind of issues with the Internal Revenue Service are enough to take away your peace of mind. In most the cases, the penalties are severe. This is in fact, the worse fear of most of the small business owners who either ignore their taxes or have dues every year. In such cases, the IRS can even shut your business, freeze your bank account, or...more
Не смотря на нескрываемое преобладание в русскоязычной части Интернет таких платежных систем как WebMoney, Яндекс Деньги и RBK Money, существует еще несколько платежных систем, не менее удобных и восхитительных, однако в силу своей молодости малоизвестных. К этим системам относятся Liberty Reserve и Perfect Money. Отличительными особенностями этих систем, является, во-первых, сравнительно малые комиссионные проценты, взимаемые за проведение транзакций пользователями, что делает их в достаточной степени интересными для приема платежей с их поддержкой, а так же погашения потребительских платежей. Во-вторых, это полная анонимность того, кто делает...more
Some people want to make some extra money on the internet while others want to generate a full income and make a career on it. CPA offers to make money can make you a considerable amount of money.CPA stands for Cost Per Action. When you...more
Military Scholarships For Spouses - Getting Money For Your Education Has Never Been EasierThere are several different reasons why people want to go back to school, but given our current situation, it is more important than ever to have...more
They say that up to 95% of Americans are not ready for retirement at age 65. That is, they don't have enough investments to live on, enough income to live according to their accustomed manner. It's no surprise to you that we're in an economic turmoil...more
Experienced home buying groups have been in the home-buying business throughout Southern California for decades and purchase thousands of homes per year.In a time and place where the ever-increasing threat of losing money in real-estate is prevalent,...more
Today when the world is facing such crisis the companies have very good leverage in settlement with the creditors. The credit card is so popular mode of payment in America and that's the reason maximum number of people are credit card defaulters not...more
The economic crisis worldwide created a new challenge for the individual as well as for the companies. Most of the citizens are in debt and struggling hard to pay back the debt. Credit card companies are facing unprecedented loss due to non payment...more