Credit cards are almost a necessity in today's society. It has become harder and harder to get through life without plastic. If you want to make purchases over the Internet, guarantee a hotel room, or perform a wide variety of other financial transactions, a credit card is essential. And, the truth is, credit cards can be a valuable financial tool, provided you manage them effectively.All credit cards are definitely not created...more
Apple is giving away products free all over the world, but so many people miss the opportunity to be a tester of their new products. They give away free there products, but you maybe think that you can't become a tester and you would never become a free iPad because it' seems so unrealistic.Well that couldn't be more wrong! You only have to find a promotional website online which offers free Apple Products (such as the iPad). The...more
Financial freedom, secret of success from investment, real estate, stock market wealth, profit, investment, internet marketing, millionaire, income, security, opportunities, home-based business, money, cash, fortune!!It has always been mankind dream and desire to seek Freedom - Freedom of thoughts, Freedom of speech, Freedom of belief, and Freedom of expression! Why then not Financial Freedom!Wikipedia definition - "Financial freedom describes a well-planned lifestyle where one no longer is required to work for income to cover their expenses".Rich Dad, Poor Dad series and other books on personal finance really got me interested and wondered why school and college didn't teach us how to be financially intelligence. Ultimately, whether all these books have been fictionalized or are real story are debatable. The important point here is that it advocates financial independence through investing, real estate, owning businesses, and other means of money generating and protection tactics.Most of us are hunger and aspire to achieve financial freedom. When one's work in an organization without decision making capability. Management will dictate your financial well being. You...more
: Packaging industry to actively encourage the development of new products and new technologies, promote the development of China's packaging industry, the central government decided in 2005 to arrange for the packaging industry high-tech R & D funds (hereinafter referred to as "the funds") to support the packaging industry...more
It's easy to get swept up in the romance of the holidays and the joy of being with the one you love. For all those couples who will become engaged during this season and even through early next year, there's more to consider about making a lifetime commitment than ring sizes and wedding details. To set yourselves up for a lifetime of...more
Moneymaking opportunities abound for factoring brokers and cash flow consultants. Why? It's a worn out news story, but banks are still holding tight to their lending dollars in the struggling economy. As businesses look for alternative financing the demand for invoice factoring is on the rise.Think of the factoring broker as a marketing division that only gets paid when deals are closed. The broker locates a business in need of accounts receivable funding and earns a commission for matching this business with a Factoring Company.Commissions are paid to the Broker by the Factoring Investor for closed transactions. While commission rates and structures vary, a broker can typically earn a commission between 5 and 15 percent of the Factor's discount.For example, if a business factors $25,000 worth of invoices and the Factoring Company charges a 5 percent discount the Factor earns $1,250 ($25,000 x .05). If a commission rate of 10 percent is paid to the Factoring Broker then they earn a finder's fee of $125.00 ($1,250 x .10). This type of commission is generally paid when the Factor receives payment on the invoices.Another method of calculating commissions is...more
Do you know how much money you need to save to meet your retirement goals? Have you started to save for your children's post-secondary education and college? Will your family be able to maintain the lifestyle that you have established...more
When you want to win money gambling, or in a lottery, or you just want to attract more money into your life, in general, there are several good luck charms and good luck amulets that are more suitable for this desire or need.I am a...more
When bills, and repairs, and house payments, and over due mortagage payments, and many other things have you down...#1: Hang in there, and don't despair...things will improve eventually, and #2: Maybe you can win some money gambling or...more
PREAMBLE: The only way to take control of your life, raise your standard of living and move beyond merely surviving is to create your own unique product or service that you offer to increasing numbers of people in exchange for the...more
Capital Budgeting Process * Dr. P.Shanmukha Rao ** Dr.N.V.S.Suryanarayana Capital budgeting is a complex process as it involves decisions relating to the investment of current funds for the benefit to the...more
Not every photographer is a professional. Of this I am guilty.But I really like my Canon EOS 30D. And, although my camera is not a pro dslr camera, I have obtained some genuinely excellent pictures with it. I have also earned some...more