Hollywood actresses always manage to look young and pretty with flawless skin and its no secret that they get help from minor surgical treatments such as San Diego Fraxel treatment or various injection hydraulic fillers like Juvederm, Botox or Restylane. Restylane is an FDA approved injection gel that enhances the look of your face by filling out facial creases and wrinkles. San Diego Restylane can also be used for problem areas around the eyes...more
Healthy Skin and Mineral MakeupTell me more about healthy skin, mineral based cosmetics, sun protection, and nano sized particles... How do pure mineral cosmetics revitalize and maintain healthy skin? There are excellent properties in mineral based cosmetics that promote healthy skin recognized by dermatologists. Dermatologists typically recommend high quality mineral based cosmetics that are free of irritating dyes, oils, perfumes, preservatives...more
What Exactly is Sinusitis?Healthy sinuses are covered with mucous membrane, moist, delicate tissue with microscopic moving hairs called cilia, covered by thin mucous. The nasal and sinus cilia move back and forth like tiny oars, constantly moving the mucous to flush the sinuses and nasal passages. The body is defended against foreign particles and pathogens in the air we breathe by this constant flushing.When there is a blockage of the sinuses, or when the cilia fail to move the mucus, then an infection can occur. The cilia do not move the bacteria out of your body so they can multiply and make you sick.In sinusitis, the sinus tissue is infected and inflamed. Bacteria are present. The tissues look swollen in the nose and in the sinuses on examination. The patient will have trouble breathing because of the blockage. Usually there is mild pain, fever and yellow or green discharge. Often the throat and chest are affected with sore throat and cough.Acute or Chronic?Acute SinusitisEssentially in acute sinusitis you get over the attack fully. Might take a month but then you are clear. If we take an X ray at the start of the blockage, fever and pain, we generally see fluid in the sinus...more
An overwhelming amount of people are choosing plastic surgery these days. Rhinoplasty, facelifts in addition to assorted types of cosmetic surgery have now bcome very accessible to many people. We probably have Hollywood to thank for the steady rise in popularity of cosmetic surgery. Unfortunately, there are very real risks involved despite how...more
An increasing number of consumers are choosing organic foods to reduce ingesting toxic pesticides. Organic foods are not the only way to avoid toxins in the body. Research has shown that up to 60% of what we apply to our skin may be absorbed into the bloodstream.http://www.wen.org.uk/cosmetics/index.htm There are many toxic chemicals found in...more
Fish oil is oil produced from tissues of oily fish present in the sea and rivers across the globe. Fish oil is considered as the best and healthy diet containing the omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), precursors to eicosanoids lowering inflammation in the body. fish oil is releases omega-3 fatty acids accumulating them from either intaking microalgae producing fatty acids like in the case of fishes like herring and sardines . These fish oil are available in the fatty predatory fish, eating prey fish got accumulated omega-3 fatty acids from microalgae in them. These fatty predatory fish like mackerel, lake trout, flounder, albacore tuna and salmon have high storage of omega-3 fatty acids aiding in the production of fish oil. Finding this fact FDA declared the small consumption of these fish species like e.g. albacore tuna, shark, and swordfish as carrying toxic contaminants such as mercury, dioxin, PCBs and chlordane in the body. People now turned to fish oil supplements do have adequate omega-3 fatty acids in their bodies . Several supplement formulations includes several fatty acids such as omega-6 and omega-9 needed for fish oil...more
When the little black dress was first debuted by designer Coco Chanel way back in the 1920s, it became an instant classic which ruled the runway up until now. Its one of those essential items that you just must have in your closet; otherwise your...more
A pair of cool shades speaks a thousand words. Hmmis this really accurate? Sunglasses have been around decades now, and were first used to protect our precious sight from suns intrusions. Gradually they became a comfortable protection against the...more
Not liking what you see when looking in the mirror could be negatively affecting your emotional health more than you may know. And with the advent of numerous facial cosmetic enhancements including Botox for migraines that treat headaches as well as...more
Author: Mike NicholsonBuying new items for your home is always exciting and there are plenty of things that you can do on a limited budget. Wood blinds are a great way to improve the interior of your home. Certainly wooden blinds not only add a more...more
Author: Mike NicholsonCurtains have been the most preferable option for many years when it comes to covering the windows. But often curtains look tacky and reduce the overall beauty of the rest of the décor. Wooden blinds offer the perfect option to...more
A large amount of people are neglectful when it comes to looking after their skin essentially because they don't realize the importance of this facet of health. In this time where pollutants are everywhere and skin issues are widespread, it is time...more