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Three Simple Ways To "un-stuck" Your Business

I recently spent a four day weekend teaching my information marketing strategies to an amazing group of entrepreneurial professionals

. And, while I was the teacher, I always learn a lot from my students. Let me share with you three things my boot camp audience helped understand better.

There are Three Reasons Why You Are Not Building a More Successful Business Faster.

First, a quick warning. Once I share with you these three culprits they may appear obvious and non-threatening.

But that is exactly the reason why they are so dangerously deadly!

Give each one proper consideration and give some thought to how they might be impacting you and your business. Here we go...

1) Not having the RIGHT KNOW-HOW... Time and time again, when my students have major a-ha's while learning my how to make marketing work for them, they tell me they wished they had made the investment of time, energy and money to develop their "marketing muscles" a lot sooner! Well, I guess as the old adage goes "better late than never"!

Solution: You must become an expert at the "business of running the business" and marketing. This is NOT an option!

2) Being ISOLATED... If you ever feel like people just "don't get you" and you are "going it alone" - welcome to the club! One of most frequently repeated comments from my boot camp students is "I feel like I finally belong"! Because they feel understood and "at home" in the group of other success-minded, motivated entrepreneurs.

Solution: Surround yourself with other successful entrepreneurs on regular basis. DO discuss your businesses openly and DO ask each other for help!

3) Not TAKING CALCULATED RISKS... Over the past decade I noticed that successful people challenge themselves by taking bigger risks. They risk financially, but more importantly they risk looking stupid, making a mistake, and "failing" (except they don't consider it a failure but a "learning opportunity".)

But most people would rather feel safe and cling on to status quo. When they move towards their goals, they always leave an alternative "back door" open, setting themselves up for missing their goals from the very get go! Well, that approach will only get you to where you already are - not an inch further no matter how much harder you work.

Solution: Think bigger. Dream bigger. And start taking faster action beginning with small steps. Set up scary goals and "burn the ships" behind you so that failure is not option.

Take some time to do a quick self-assessment how well you score on your marketing know-how, whether you have the right type of support, and if you are brave enough to "fight" for your entrepreneurial freedom!

by: Adam Urbanski
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Three Simple Ways To "un-stuck" Your Business