Important Facts When Seeking A Lender For Personal Loans by:Paul Rogers
It is easy to understand the need to obtain important facts when seeking a lender for personal loans
. There was a time when it was the bank that offered the opportunity for people to borrow money. With so many options today when it comes to lenders, finding out everything you possibly can prior to signing, can be the difference between good personal loans and a financial nightmare.
There are many establishments these days that lend money it is not solely the banks. From credit unions, supermarkets, and online lenders the list is substantial. By doing your homework, you can weed out the lenders that may indeed make for a very unsavory experience when searching for personal loans.
Hidden Costs On Personal Loans
One of the biggest mistakes one can make when applying for personal loans is to not read the fine print. As more and more lenders appear in the industry, the competition becomes steadily intensified. What this does in essence is drive personal loan interest rates down. Now this may be great for the borrower, yet it is not for the lender as they inevitably loose money. One way for lenders to remain profitable is to introduce hidden charges on personal loans. This will easily become very sticky for someone whom did not read the fine print on the loan application completely.
Typical APR On Personal Loans
When trying to determine what the APR will be on personal loans, they follow a risk based pricing system. This is where the applicants credit history, along with their individual circumstances are calculated. This will determine what the Annual Percentage Rate will be for personal loans under your particular circumstances. When someone applies for personal loans, the standard or typical rate is 6.6 percent. This is what the lender will generally offer, as it is a guideline amount. Chances are a borrower will not get this rate. Basing all of the factors for someone's specific needs and circumstances will in the end be what determines the APR.
Early Repayment Penalty Charges For Personal Loans
For those whom feel that paying personal loans off early will save you money, you may want to reconsider this notion, as it is quite the contrary. If you pay off personal loans early, you more than likely will be hit with an early repayment penalty. The amount of the penalty is dependent on the lender. Yet it can be as much as two month's interest on the loan. It goes like this; the earlier the personal loans are paid off the higher the charge that will be applied. There are circumstances where some lenders have eliminated this charge, so as always it does pay to shop around before settling on a lender.
Payment Protection Insurance On Personal Loans
Many times people take personal loans out and find themselves in trouble at some point, perhaps losing their jobs or running into financial difficulties. This is not uncommon, yet while some figure they can take out Payment Protection Insurance they fail to get all the information prior. What is not understood is that this insurance is tacked onto the front of the personal loans. This could become very costly as well as you will be responsible for the interest on the insurance as well as the loan. Self-employed are generally not covered for Payment Protection insurance.
About the author
Paul Rogers writes general finance and loan articles for the Loans UK Online website at
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Important Facts When Seeking A Lender For Personal Loans by:Paul Rogers New York City